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BSG Conversion


With the series (Battlestar Galactica) drawing to a close, my players have 'requested' that I create a 2300 (2320)/ BSG crossover. Something that involves the BSG univers intruding on the fledgeling Terran Hedgemony. (Yes, I know thats not the correct term, but its what I"ve got for now.) Something that involves the Terrans talking with the Galactica historians and the phrase "You built a what? And you didn't give it an off switch? Are you a race of idiots?"

Now I"m sure that someone has already done the conversion for the Cylons and other aspects of the BSG universe. So to keep me from re-inventing the wheel, could someone link me the threads with the conversions in them.

Thank you

I've done originals for CT and T20. Someone did a big one in T20 I think for the new show. There was a Gurps one at one point. And D20 is out there.

In an effort to encourage not disappoint, I haven't seen a 2300 or 2320. Go for it!