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Casual Encouter - Sir Jace Pedersen


I've already made my two character contest entries, but here is another one. I generated a few characters using the Lite rules, but this is the first I did using the full T20 rules.

Sir Jace Pedersen
Generated using T20

Mixed race Human
Homeworld TL D; Class A Starport; Ag Ni Ri

Str 12 Dex 15 Con 11
Int 16 Wis 15 Chr 15
Edu 18 Soc16 - Knight

6th level character: 4th Level Noble/2nd Level Academic
Age: 33, Cr 35,000 Stamina: 23


· Armor Proficiency (Light)
· Weapon Proficiency (Marksman)
· Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman)
· Trust Fund
· Connections (Noble)
· Vessel/Grav
· Run
· Natural Born Leader
· Skill Focus (K/History)
· Pseudo-Eidetic Memory
· Mental Discipline


· Vessel/Grav - 2
· Innuendo - 4
· T/Computer - 8
· Survival - 2
· K/Homeworld - 0
· K/Rim Politics - 6
· Gather Info - 4
· Ride - 3
· Liaison - 4
· Decipher Script - 2
· Intimidate - 6
· P/Hunter - 9
· K/History - 5
· Leader - 7
· Read Language - 2
· Hide - 2
· Move Silently - 4
· Sense Motive - 5
· Swim - 2

BAB: +2
BFB: +1
BRB: +2
BWB: +4

History Mechanics:
1st Term
University: BA Archaeology
Graduated with Honors in 3 years

2nd Term
University: MA History, focused on the 9th Interstellar War, 2 years

3rd Term
University: Ph.D. History, thesis topic: Grand Admiral to Shogun, 2 years

4th Term
Academic Prior History, Field Work

5th Term
Academic Prior History, Field work
Received a Foundation Fellowship Award for his work.

Mustered out after two terms.

Jace is the 4th child of an Imperial Count on a Rim World to be determined.

Raised in luxury, with older siblings to inherit the titles and run the estates, he was able to indulge in his two passions, hunting and history. His induction into one of the major Imperial Knightly orders was a manner of tradition for non-titled children of Nobles. Jace actually takes his duties as a Knight of the Imperium rather seriously.

His family can trace their noble title back to a Terran Confederation Naval officer assigned as an administrator during the early days of the Rule of Man. Over the centuries, that officer's decedents have intermarried many times with the local Vilani population.

That aspect of his family's history has always fascinated Jace. After earning his BA in Archaeology, he continued his studies. His focus narrowed on the events leading to the rise of the Rule of Man Empire. School, even graduate school, was more fun than work. He spent his vacations tracking down RoM ruins. The fact that many of these sites had excellent hunting was an added feature.

After successfully defending his thesis work and receiving his PhD., Jace stayed on at the University. The skills he built up hunting, in addition to his academic skills, made him a valuable asset to field expeditions in less civilized areas.

After working as an assistant on several expeditions, Jace organized his field expedition. It was quite successful. The papers he and his graduate students wrote were well received by the Academic Community. That netted him a Foundation Fellowship Award.

Sir Jace Pedersen used that award to arrange a permanent field position with the University. He is now a Professor at Large. He has an Administrative Assistant and a couple of graduate students back at the University that he sends reports to. Between his stipend from the University, and interest from investments set up by his father, he has a budget of Cr 3,200 a month to roam the Rim area looking for historical clues and good hunting spots. [Trust Fund feat]

Jace can be found wandering the Rim area, often too close to the war front for other's comfort, happily living at a level well below his station in life. He can be found in a studio apartment, located near a University, doing research, or living out of a tent or cabin in the wilderness, digging for artifacts and hunting for dinner.

He does keep the formal suit or two in his luggage. He and his family are well known in Imperial noble circles in the Rim [Connections/Noble feat], and he may be found as a guest at a Baron's mansion. He could be there merely as a guest, or he could be organizing a hunting expedition, or convincing the Baron to fund an academic field research expedition, headed by Jace of course.

A good solid 7mm hunting rifle.
A 12mm magnum revolver, engraved with the Arms of his family and the Knightly order he belongs to. A bit of an oddity today, but sort of thing a Noble with a sense of history, and who spends a lot of time in the brush, would carry.
A sturdy pump action shotgun.
A well used rapier (noble foil)
A well used machete (blade)
A TL D handcomp and a lot of data crystals loaded with RoM history.
An Imperial Army surplus flack jacket. Like I said, sometimes history can be found in dangerous places.
Sturdy field clothes
A couple of formal outfits.
Inertial locator
IR/LI goggles