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desert beasties

any ideas for desert creatures ? there is only one in 101 lifeforms + i need to give some characters a scare and a fight . i think lots of little or medium sized creatures would be best , to annoy and pester while the pcs try to mend their crashed ship + get on with job in hand .
all ideas gratefully received .
Lotsa a lifefroms in a desert-all adapted around conserving/ getting mositure/ food/ expending their own energy.

For real world deserts, try camel spiders--they are nocturnal(generally)-tho a starship's shade is awfully tempting..
They eat, they make little spiders, they attack in droves when food is plentiful-if the players drop, but worse, they know no fear. I have personally witnessed a grown man with a gun bail out of a 20' high tower to escape a dozen of these human-hand sized devils during a sandstorm in Kuwait (hey, they wanted out of the storm too, and lookee there, a GI with a meal all to himself-they really wanted to share, really...

Camel spiders venom will dissolve flesh to a paste that can be "drunk" thru their probiscus. It has an initial sting, like a fly bite, but they will sup on napping men in the shade, and have eaten off half a face by daylight.
nasty devils.

Rodents abound in shape form & fashion.

Wherever the players dump their refuse, they will gather, and after the rodents (mice/ rats) come the camel spiders..
Above them (looking for rats/mice) are your small fast 3' wingspan falcons/ hawks..

in the sand itself, beetles of various descriptions, the lowly ant,
and dear heavens how can we forget out good friend the grey fly that has a 21 day lifespan, but comes in droves?

Let us not dear hirch, forget, the reptiles..tortoises, lizards, and serpents.
the Saudi peninsula is home to 11 species of vipers alone..in various degrees of lethality.
How's that for a start.

Now if this desert is possessing an unusual atmosphere, or none at all, some adjustments will have to be made...

flora: every desert has some sort of plant matter, that stores water.
Cacti are neat, and come with thorns!, hardy grasses that bloom with rainy season/ winter will also be present for shade to burrowing critters.

lotsa a terran examples to modify from!
:D ;)
Let us not dear hirch, forget, the reptiles..tortoises, lizards, and serpents.
the Saudi peninsula is home to 11 species of vipers alone..in various degrees of lethality.
Let us not forget the Star Wars Dewback lizard and Bantha :D Give those PC's a reason to get the Ride skill ;)
thanks guys .
im getting a bit nervous of those camel spiders . especially those extra large ones in MY desert . + star wars creatures are good . in fact , if some pcs happened to crash their ship between mama foraging for food and those cute little babies , they may have kill a very irate mama bantha . and of course nothing attracts large arachnids like a corpse . and vultures and giant killer gerbils and .... ok , maybe not the gerbils .
Look in JTAS issue 10/11 The article about planet building on Craw. They have developed a splayed footed beast of burden and a nasty little rock spider with nasty slashing fore-limbs
