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Non OTU: Firefly-like campaign

Brandon C

I looks like I'm going to be asked to run a GURPS campaign along the lines of Firefly, although it's not clear how closely the players want me to stick to the series.

Of course, I thought about using Traveller, with some tweaks.

(1) No 3I: A pocket empire of 20 or so worlds clustered together seems a better fit.

(2) Modified jump drive: more time in normal space, less time in jump space. Possibly a longer range

(3) Ship cost: While the Serenity had operating expenses, there were no known mortage payments on the ship. It wss also bought quite used.

(4) Aliens: Should I include any?:The vargr are the least problematic -- except for how they were created. All of the other major races have issues with using thrm
I looks like I'm going to be asked to run a GURPS campaign along the lines of Firefly, although it's not clear how closely the players want me to stick to the series.

I think you need to discuss this further with your players before you invest too much time in working out campaign details. I think your ideas sound fine, but if they want to play it just like the show, that means one big system with multiple stars and a whole bunch of planets and moons terraformed for habitibility, no FTL at all, copy the Alliance political setup, no sentient alien races, etc. Personally I like your ideas better than a straight copy of the show, but if you are trying to tailor this campaign to player wishes, you really need to see how close they want.
I looks like I'm going to be asked to run a GURPS campaign along the lines of Firefly, although it's not clear how closely the players want me to stick to the series.

As Space Badger notes, find this out before you go out on a limb.

(1) No 3I: A pocket empire of 20 or so worlds clustered together seems a better fit.

(2) Modified jump drive: more time in normal space, less time in jump space. Possibly a longer range

(3) Ship cost: While the Serenity had operating expenses, there were no known mortage payments on the ship. It was also bought quite used.

(4) Aliens: Should I include any?:The vargr are the least problematic -- except for how they were created. All of the other major races have issues with using thrm

1. Yes. I'm sure some of us have made charts of the Firefly system. I've got one that turns it into a starchart, myself.

2. Rename it, and make it a special "fast-normal" drive for moving between worlds, and there's no need for jumpspace at all.

3. Buy 'em used, always.

4. Not unless the players specifically want them.
Very, very nice, and I say that as one who has the big poster-map.

Regarding the original 4 questions, I am in agreement with the others: Jump-space needs to be more "normal."
no aliens unless asked for,
Ships appear to not need mortgages.

I've run two games with the MWP Serenity rules, and had a ball with those. FWIW, ships under those rules are cheap and nearly disposable: my crews went through three ships before finding one they liked. Once, they were so flush that almost everyone could afford their own shuttle! (Which I made sure to "fix" in standard evil-GM ways.)