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Imperial Squadrons Bombardment Factor Question

I don't know who the original lyricist was, but the poem in it's original state was passed to me in Form One, when the subject invoked was both mysterious and yet inordinately funny.

It's starts off nostalgically with In days of old ...
I don't know who the original lyricist was, but the poem in it's original state was passed to me in Form One, when the subject invoked was both mysterious and yet inordinately funny.

It's starts off nostalgically with In days of old ...


That is like truly neat. Thanks.
Re Free-fall bombardment:

Would it be possible, that free-fall bombardment is impractical in the TU, because it would make the bombarding fleet too vulnerable to PD-fire?

I got the idea from your description of how easy it would be to do. WIth all the trajectories being perfectly predictable, any remaining PD could easily target the bombarding ships, correct?

So one could conjecture, that BFs in the OTU are only calculated from those weapons that allow to bombard while 'evading' frantically/erratically.[?]
You reduce the PD to a point where you're willing to absorb any threat they represent as you conduct your bombardment.
I am not sure I understand what you are saying. From what I gather you would need to reduce the PD with something.

That something could be the Bombardment Factors, i.e. turreted weapons, missiles, ortillery, fighers, etc.

And after the PD is reduced, you rule supreme. is that what you are saying?

So a single Far Trader, over a TL-6 world without outside help, could let death rain at will and way beyond the energy output of his turrets.
I am not sure I understand what you are saying. From what I gather you would need to reduce the PD with something.

That something could be the Bombardment Factors, i.e. turreted weapons, missiles, ortillery, fighers, etc.

Most of the weapons on a ship are standoff weapons. Freefall ordnance, obviously, is not.

Lasers don't do well in atmosphere. Nuclear Missiles, do, however. Meson guns are the perfect bombardment weapon.

It also all depends on what kind of defenses the planet is using.[/quote]

And after the PD is reduced, you rule supreme. is that what you are saying?

So a single Far Trader, over a TL-6 world without outside help, could let death rain at will and way beyond the energy output of his turrets.

Absolutely. You don't need "C Rocks" to rain heavy things down on a planet from orbit and do nasty things.

A Far Trader has more an issue of simply enough ammunition (of whatever the ammunition is). But given ample time, yes, even a Far Trader can be a very dangerous threat to a low tech world.