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new 2300 "Great Game" starting

Im starting a new "2300 great game" with real world 2010 as its starting point

Still need players for France, Japan, India, Korea plus if people want to help out theres lots of minor countries (including Canada) available

there is a folder under 2300 with basic details
I would be interested in taking part in a new "Great Game." Of the countries you list, I would be most interested in playing India, since that seems like the most plausible future spacefaring power.
Still have a few places open (although I expect to have turn 1 results back to players tomorrow night)

Korea still needs a player and Canada would make a good player nation

Would dearly like to have a spare player to help manage all the minor nations
still three slots open

Still three slots open and a possible two more for the great game
would really love to see more active players contact Peter Shultz (hes the GM for this what is turning into a very interesting game)
Still at least two slots open

Please look under the 2300 post for updates
the great game is unfolding with some interesting twists.

If you like intrigue, diplomacy and tech advancement this is a game you will enjoy playing
2300 Great Game

Most Major Nations are filled..
Korea still looking for a player.

If enough interest I am certain there are at least 6 current NPC Nations /Groups of Nations that could easily become player Nations

please see the main thread in the 2300Ad section and Contact Peter Shutlze

Turn 7 is being processed now so any new players would be joining for turn 8

If Interested check the website
Check out the wiki at http://schutzegreatgame.wiki-site.co....php/Main_Page
then Send Peter (the GM) an email at schutze_games@yahoo.com
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Can someone give me a run down on or point me in the right direction for info of what actually occurs each turn? A.i. what the players have to do, how often, etc. I had considered joining from launch, but wasn't sure exactly what was expected of me.
Turns in the Great Game

Each turn is 5 years long ..you have a budget that represents the taxes you can collect and have at disposal during that time frame ..(irs in a simple excell spread sheet format easy to fill out ..
you have a certain number of Political Actions you can attempt as well
(these are fairly free form all Major Nations Get 5 PA's per turn mostly used to influence minor nations and cartels and power groups..)
you can desing ships using a modified Nam spread sheet ..there are elements of 2300 and 2320 ad techs and some other technologies that were skipped due to their infancy by these games..that in the real world are taking hold..

Travel is currently restricted to the Sol system as Stutterwarp has not appeared yet..and a generation ship is really expensive..

Impules and solar sails currently dominate as Ion drive tech has not yet matured thou I know at least 5 nations are working on it ..all player nations are working on some form or other of fusion power...and every nation is working on some research tech or other in various solo or group efforts
you decide what your going to research who your going to ally with to conduct the research ..what minor countires your going to turn into hand puppets (carefull that can and does back fire if you ask to much to often)

anyway I can explain more thruogroly in emails

Mostly thou its a matter of figuring your budget ..and more important ly your political actions.each turn
a turn is two week long

A lot if free form even new technologies can be proposed Peter is not averse to that ..but the new tech may or may not have prequisites that you may or may not have met yet ..
Thank you very much for the explanation. Players need to send out an email(?) daily? Weekly? Go to a website to enter information daily?
turns are currently running first and 15th ..this last turn saw a couple days delay due to new folk jumping in at the last minute and bring brought up to speed this turn is being processed so next turn is due no later than the 15th of May ..with results a couple days later ..Turns are emailed due in 1rst and 15th..inbetween times lots of discource goes on between players and npcs to cut deals ..

Send Peter or myself an Email I am certain we would be glad to have you on board ( hehe Terran Dawn has a spot on my shelf for Ideas and alternate settings)

More info is abvaiable on the wiki (basic rules..etc etc..)http://schutzegreatgame.wiki-site.com/index.php/Main_Page

Toss me morfydd@comcast.net or Peter(the GM) schutze_games@yahoo.com

and well get you rolling ..at least with a week or so to get up to speed it wont be the hair pull the last run was
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Great Game two

Still a few openings left the game is between turn 8 and turn 9 atm with some revisions coming soon.

Many nations have small starter bases on Mars. The Terraforming of Mars has commenced. The moon is half Russian. Stutterwarp has yet to be discovered. Tensions have run high in the EU/Russo Space Race for land and resources. India has a significant belt presence. So far no twilight war. The USA China technology advancement is in high gear. Several nations are available for play still and its still early enough that theres no major disadvantage to joining in ..

More info is abvaiable on the wiki (basic rules..etc etc..)http://schutzegreatgame.wiki-site.co....php/Main_Page
Due to the sheer volume of data for each turn they appear be going to a monthly turn cycle.

Toss myself morfydd@comcast.net or
Peter(the GM) schutze_games@yahoo.com