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Planetary invasion force


SOC-14 5K
Admin Award
Peer of the Realm
In my 2300AD experimenting, this is an attempt to adapt the ships shown in this thread from MgT1E to MgT 2300AD. Of course, many things change on this different setting.

As most my designs for MgT have been German, I'll keep with it. Needless to say, this is striclty IM2300TU variant.

German TL 12 Troop Transport:

Hull: 5000 tonhull1005000250
StutterwarpWarp Efficiency2.325.215.6
New Military STactical5--
Power PlantFusion U-35080
RadiatorsRadiators U-351.75
ComputerModel 6Rating 30-20
SoftwareStutterwarp Control BRating 10-0.2
-Fire Control/4Rating 20-8
-Self Repair/2Rating 20-10
Electronics/sensorsVery AdvancedDM +254
-Enhanced Signals ProcessingDM +428
-Grav Sensors-44
-Troops Barracks1300260065
Other FIxturesAutodoc210.05
-Sick Bay6 staterooms240.6
-Clamps for a 400 ton ship1102
-Landing ship140056.22
-Recreation Facilities-1350.675
-Repair Drones-5010
Artificial GravityDouble hull35 m radius671.647
Weapons mount 1Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 2Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 3Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 4Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 5Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 6Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 7Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 8Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8


The ship consists of a large not spinning core, about 14 m in diameter and 120 in length, from where 8 (in two pairs at 90º of each other) 45 meter pylons each joining with a cylinder about 70 meter long 282 m in circumference and 2.4 m in height.

In the central core there are the fusion power plan, the stutterwarp drive, the cargo area, 8 PD turrets, the spinning mechanism, the sensors suite, the reapair drones storage and (attached on one end of it) the Landing Ship.

In the spinning cylinder there are the crew and troops living (rooms and recreation) area, sick bay (including the autodocs), armories and the bridge. It spins at about 2 RPM, giving a simulated gravity of 0.2 Gs. Comfort is +2 for the crew and +1 for the troops. The pylons have interior ladders by which the troops reach the central core and board the landing ship as needed.


Crew is 15 bridge, 10 engineering, 16 gunners and 1 steward, 2 medics and 5 flight (the crew of the lander plus 2 maintenance for it), all in individual staterooms. Weaponry is purely defensive, never expected to engage in space combat.

The ship can carry up to 1300 troops in double occupancy rooms and some initial suplies for them. The usual carry is 2 x 625 men battalions (each 5 x 125 men companies) and an armored platoon of 12 LkPz-IX (MgT2300AD main book, page 182) with their 24 crewmembers. This leaves 26 unoccupied places, usually reserved to specialists needed as mission requires, and only for 43 tons of supplies, so needing additional ships to carry them if operations are expected to last.

Cost in quantity is MLv 663.3
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German TL 12 Command and Support ship:

Hull: 5000 tonhull1005000250
StutterwarpWarp Efficiency2.325.215.6
New Military STactical5--
Power PlantFusion U-35080
RadiatorsRadiators U-351.75
ComputerModel 6Rating 30-20
SoftwareStutterwarp Control BRating 10-0.2
-Fire Control/4Rating 20-8
-Self Repair/2Rating 20-10
Electronics/sensorsVery AdvancedDM +254
-Enhanced Signals ProcessingDM +428
-Grav Sensors-44
-Flight crew1002005
Other FIxturesAutodoc210.05
-Sick Bay6 staterooms240.6
-Brieffing room140.5
-Clamps for a 400 ton ship4408
- 400 ton ship hangar 1520104
-Landing ships (1 in hangar, 4 in clamps)51600288.5
-Clamps for 10 ton craft2020105
-10 ton craft hangar45210.4
-Interface fighters (4 in hangars, 20 in clamps)24200484.8
-Recreation Facilities-150.075
-Repair Drones-5010
Artificial GravitySpin Capsules45 m radius210.414.73
Weapons mount 1Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 2Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 3Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 4Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 5Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 6Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 7Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8
Weapons mount 8Standard TurretType 17 DC11.8


The ship is like a box about 100 meters long, 25 meters wide and 16 meters high, from where the 4 spinning capsules protrude. On the ends of the tubes are the hangars, the fighters’ in the aft and the landing ship’s in the rear. Attached along the ship there are the 4 landing ships and 20 fighters remaining.


The ship serves as command for invasions, and its landing ships and fighters as support for it. It also carries supplies and probably vehicles for the invading troops.

Crew is 15 bridge, 10 engineering, 16 gunnery, 5 stewards and 4 medics, all in single occupancy rooms. Flight crew is 4 per landing ship, 1 per fighter and 56 maintenance and support, all in double occupancy. As in the troop transport, weaponry is purely defensive, as it is not expected to engage in combat.

The spin habitat in the capsules include the living quarters (staterooms and recreational areas), bridge, sick bay (including the autodocs), armories and briefing room. Spinning at 2 RPM gives it a simulated gravity of 0.2 Gs. Comfort is +2 for the ship crew and +1 for flight crew.

Price included all the subcraft (5 landing ships and 24 interface fighters). Being right now (2300AD) a unique ship, there’s no cost for quantity building, but it’s expected to be MLv 1352.
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German TL 12 Landing Ship:

400 ton hullhull84008
ArmorComposite6 points204
-Heat shielding--4
StutterwarpWarp Efficiency0.920.551.66
New Military Atactical2--
Reaction DriveAir-breathing thruster D2 G thrust8.419.2
Power PlantMHD E (new military)-0.640.23
Cockpit4 crewmembers-62
ComputerModel 1Rating 5-0.03
-Stutterwarp Control/ARating 5-0.1
Electronics/sensorsStandard-4 DM00
Fuelreaction5 hours60-
-Power Plant10 hours0.65-
AccomodationsAcceleration couches50025015
off/deff2 x light UW lasers-10.02

This ship is just a large shuttle to land troops in worlds with atmosphere. It has VTOL capacity and is heavily armored for its use in hot landing zones if needed (though it’s not expected to), and has capacity to carry up to 500 troops at once. Its 2 G capacity make it quite quick in most worlds.

The couches may be folded, allowing it to be used for cargo (250 tons capacity). It has a large rear hatch between the two thrusters to load the passengers or vehicles from the clamping doors in the larger ships, as well as 2 large doors (one at each side) to load large cargoes, mostly in the hangars and to quickly unload the troops.

It has been provided with a minimal stutterwarp capacity to allow the transport to remain at standoff distance, out of defenses’ range, but its short endurance precludes them to move interstellar distances.

Crew is 2 bridge and 2 gunners for its weaponry, thought mostly as defensive.

Cost in quantity is MLv 57.8
German TL 12 interface fighter:

10 ton hullhull0101
StreamliningHybrid lifting body-0.10.1
-STOL capable-0.21
ArmorComposite6 points0.50.5
-Heat shielding--0.1
StutterwarpWarp Eficiency1.230.290.86
New Military sCtactical2--
Reaction DriveAir-breathing thruster2 G thrust0.81.6
Power Plantnew military MHD sG-0.82.8
Cockpit1 crewmemberholographic controls1.50.05
ComputerModel 4Rating 20-5
SoftwareFire control/3rating 15-6
-Stuterwarp control/Arating 5-0.1
Electronics/sensorsBasic CivilianDM -210.05
Fuelreaction6 hours2.4-
-Power Plant12 hours0.0592-
Weapons mount 1fixed mountEAA1000 laser0.12.5
Fire ControlUTES-10.6
Weapon Mount 2Light UW laser-10.01

This small fighter is mostly built as an air superiority and close support craft for interface landing troops. Its main use is thought to be atmospheric, the warp capacity being only to allow the command ship to remain at standoff distance out of defenses’ range (though it can have a limited space combat use in a pitch). Its STOL capacity allows it to act from small airports (or spaceports) too, as those the landing engineers can build in short time.

It’s single seated, the weaponry being mostly automatic (hence the potent computer and fire control software).

Cost built in quantity is MLv 20.4
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Background and history:

While much has been written and theorized about planetary assaults, fact is that by 2300 AD not a single one such operation have ever been performed, so making every writing about it a purely theoretical assay, and keeping most military analysts waiting for the first such operation to occur, so that lessons can be taken on it.

This has leaded to several theories about how to perform them, from the use of jump capsules to landing in interface shuttles, each with its merits and flaws, and, off course, all of them untested and unproven.

As Germany unified, some of former Bavarian colonies had to make their choices about joining unified Germany of bid for Independence and keeping as “independent Bavarian”. While most kept as German, Freihafen declared its independence, Heidelsheimat has not yet decided what to do and there was a war with the French colony in Alderhorst and tensions in Beta Canum, leading the German military planners to the conclusion a quick response force was needed for intervention in any colony where it could be needed (akin the US Space Marines).

The result of this was the creation of the Raumfallschirmjäger (Space paratroopers) Korps and its supporting transport fleet.


Being one of the best trained troops ever fielded by Germany, they are organized in 10 light infantry battalions, paired in 5 Kampfgruppen, each with an attached armored platoon and assigned to a troop transport ship. If ever used in full, they would be more or less equivalent to a division sized force, though they would lack the usual divisional artillery and support assets.

All those troops are trained in paratroop and commando actions, as well as in operations in a wide variety of environments. The unit is quite tail light, depending on other units support for long operations.

Each battalion is organized in 5 companies, each of them of 125 men. Four of those companies are light infantry, each with 3 x 40 men platoons and a small 5 men HQ fire team, while the 5th company is the HQ and support, with HQ, support weapons and support platoons.

Their transport fleet is composed by 5 troop transport and 1 command and support ships, with their attached 10 landing ships (1 per transport ship and 5 in the command and support one) and 24 interface fighters (in the command and support ship).

Operational doctrine:

The Raumfallschirmjäger Korps is thought to be used as an interstellar quick reaction corps. Its deployment would be either by Kampfgrupe or as a whole unit as needed.

In most cases they are expected to be able to land in a friendly spaceport or airport, using the landers as interface transport from the ships to ground.

In case of an invasion having to be performed, they are expected to be used en masse as a whole unit, and their current doctrine would be to use the landers to take the four light infantry companies into atmospheric space, where they would perform a paratroop assault (probably using HALO from high atmosphere, so that the landing ships could return quicker to take more troops or supplies), if possible on lightly defended zones not far from the main targets and using the fighters as air support, be it to achieve air superiority or as close support with their lasers.

Once the landing zone could be relatively secured, the same landers would be used to land the armored platoons, supplies and second wave troops, as well as to evacuate wounded, acting as VTOL shuttles until an airfield could be taken or improvised.

Of course, this would need for other fleet elements to have achieved orbital supremacy first, as well as other ships to carry the supplies needed and second wave troops, as well as fuel for subsequent landings.

And never forget this has never been tried in 2300 AD, so any such operation would be a high stakes gamble, where the unexpected must be expected.
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