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Technically it's not a Traveller wargame per se, but I just got my copy of Triplanetary today. Since the original was written by Marc & published by GDW, and it does feature spaceship combat, I think that would go here.

Anyone play it back in the day? Any scenarios they particularly liked?
Got to play a game! My youngest daughter and I had a modified bi-planetary game, one started on Terra, one on Venus - they were both on one map, so easier to manage. There were a lot of recalculations and take-backs, it being the first game and all, and a fair bit of cross-checking.

She'd chosen a better launch, so she took an early lead and I never really caught up. Turns out getting into orbit is a bit trickier than it first looks, but much counting and checking later, her ship landed on Venus on turn fifteen, while mine landed on Terra one turn later.
I have been pondering how to integrate it with Traveller as a strategic system movement mechanic.

Or really as a replacement for insystem movement... The map gets a lot smaller with multi-g ships.
Or you could compress the time a bit, each turn is, I dunno, 2 hours? instead of a day, I'd have to check the math.

Just had a flip through the MT Referee's Companion, the in-system travel times chart on p.28 states the 'safe jump distance from a size A world' is 0.28 days travel for a ship with 1G acceleration, or 0.20 for a 2G ship.

Hm, maybe make each turn 30 minutes?

At any rate, Triplanetary was fun!