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Work, Perl, and Traveller


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I found my old status reports from work, many moons ago, and I found some gems there, but by far this is the most significant one.

Something I did not mention in my status report (from 1994) is that the "old tools" I was rewriting were mostly Traveller related.

Last week's achievements

- attended Tiger meeting.
- attended M.Carlock's Ofc Parm meeting.
- did LTCINV Table Tiger Team Timings.
- began learning PERL.

This week's goals

- think about the MFA pre-development meeting issues & questions...
- rewrite my old tools in PERL (for practice).
- harass M.Gyger re Vacation Request.
Did it work? Do you still remember Perl?

I've done Perl work. I haven't found a less "sticky" language than Perl. I guess I didn't work enough with it, because every time I've gone back to it, i pretty much had to relearn it.
Heck yes, and I've used Perl ever since. It's only been a primary language for a couple minor jobs, but it's always been helpful as a "supershell" kind of scripting utility for work.

And I've been writing Traveller helper tools with it, every year.

The reason it's "sticky" for me is because I learned it when I was 25. I figure languages I learned before I was 30 stuck more easily -- C, Smalltalk, Perl, Java. Others were harder to get to stick. ActionScript was less sticky but it took, but now it's dead. React and Python are less sticky, but then I don't use them every day.
I found my old status reports from work, many moons ago, and I found some gems there, but by far this is the most significant one.

Something I did not mention in my status report (from 1994) is that the "old tools" I was rewriting were mostly Traveller related.

Last week's achievements

- attended Tiger meeting.
- attended M.Carlock's Ofc Parm meeting.
- did LTCINV Table Tiger Team Timings.
- began learning PERL.

This week's goals

- think about the MFA pre-development meeting issues & questions...
- rewrite my old tools in PERL (for practice).
- harass M.Gyger re Vacation Request.
I started with 4.036 about the same time, when I moved from the NOC to the operations automation team. My manager could not see the value of it until about 1995.
It is refreshing to see folks still using Perl. I do not remember what version I started with, but it was around 1995 when I got my first Windows Pc coming from C64/C128 and Amiga.

I still use Perl today this for my personal scripts when I need to parse through files or a quick app - but unfortunately most of the libraries I need today are no longer active or vendors just do not release *(yeah looking at your VMWARE/Cisco/Juniper) , so I have been forced over to Python in some cases, and in other cases 'newer' network engineers do not know Perl.

Coming from a BASIC, ASM and C background from a hobby standpoint from C64/C128 - I never learned or saw the need for OOP design concepts, since Id can build Quake and their entire software line up until that point with ASM and/or C. Due to the latter, never really explored Java, C++ and some concepts in Python just elude me due to OOP and the mindset behind the though pattern.

Keep Perl alive and well, always use 'strict' and 'warnings', The Monks need us!
It is refreshing to see folks still using Perl. I do not remember what version I started with, but it was around 1995 when I got my first Windows Pc coming from C64/C128 and Amiga.

I still use Perl today this for my personal scripts when I need to parse through files or a quick app - but unfortunately most of the libraries I need today are no longer active or vendors just do not release *(yeah looking at your VMWARE/Cisco/Juniper) , so I have been forced over to Python in some cases, and in other cases 'newer' network engineers do not know Perl.

Coming from a BASIC, ASM and C background from a hobby standpoint from C64/C128 - I never learned or saw the need for OOP design concepts, since Id can build Quake and their entire software line up until that point with ASM and/or C. Due to the latter, never really explored Java, C++ and some concepts in Python just elude me due to OOP and the mindset behind the though pattern.

Keep Perl alive and well, always use 'strict' and 'warnings', The Monks need us!

I am always in the mood to collaborate with Perl and Traveller. We should talk sometime.
Coming from a BASIC, ASM and C background from a hobby standpoint from C64/C128 - I never learned or saw the need for OOP design concepts, since Id can build Quake and their entire software line up until that point with ASM and/or C. Due to the latter, never really explored Java, C++ and some concepts in Python just elude me due to OOP and the mindset behind the though pattern.
I program mostly in Python these days. I just do procedural stuff. No OOP in my Traveller apps.
Due to the latter, never really explored Java, C++ and some concepts in Python just elude me due to OOP and the mindset behind the though pattern.
Too bad, OOP is a wonderful tool.

My current dabblings are in Emacs Lisp.

Emacs has "Lisp Interaction Mode", and that's just a really nice "play with stuff" workspace.

Simply, you have an interactive document. Mine are strewn with notes, with code, with the results of calculations and runs. It's all very organic.

Not for anything large, just for fiddling.