Reminds me of a character I had.
There was a war on, so I rolled a navy fast pursuit pilot. Born on an asteroid in an empty parsec, great pilot, dex and pistol skill, and a good navigator. After the first mission he decided he hated his job. It was far to dangerous and a normal capital ship pilot would be a lot smarter. Fast pursuit had a life expectancy of one year. But there we're no capital ships to transfer too at this point.
As he was off duty at the starport an associate (scientist/captain) had a very sensitive portable computer stolen (the player was stressed). We all split up. I hunted down the thief (the guy's girlfriend/bodyguard) on the edge of the starport. My character informed her she was under arrest, by the navy, and to go with him. She sized him up said no and began to walk off. He shot her dead. He was debriefed turning things over to the Navy security. He was feeling a bit guilty and got drunk. Ended up getting himself sick and woke up in the navy hospital.
Wakes up to an officer telling him to report for duty at a certain office and time. He decides to pick up his monthly pay on the way having spent everything at the bar. At the purser's office he was asked "what is like to work for them!" You know "Them!" In character "fast pursuit?" i responded.

"No, you have the code," the purser said. "Look at your service number; Branch Navy, incept location, incept date, and then last 3 digits are your code." The ref handed me the character's new id number. I read out loud the personnel number, location number, the date, and then
0 0 9.
The whole group fell out of their chairs laughing. :rofl:
After the character collected a much nicer, but humble, pay from the purser he proceeded to the previously mentioned office.
The captain there explained it to my character. Command had a choice of transferring you to intelligence, with a "license to kill" or the stockade with a court marshal for murder 1. Since, there was significant "circumstantial" evidence that the woman was responsible they chose the first solution.
He informed him that he was now known to the enemy agents after reporting the woman's death and the mission was to flush more of them out and find the computer.

He also handed me the code to a scout ship.
And that was the beginning of the adventure.
So, Refs. If you want to make a splash in a campaign "transfer" someone.