• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.
  • We, the systems administration staff, apologize for this unexpected outage of the boards. We have resolved the root cause of the problem and there should be no further disruptions.

Official Fair Use Policy for QuikLink Interactive

Fan Site, Web Usage, and Fair Use Guidelines

QuikLink Interactive Inc. Policy on use of Traveller20 Role Playing Titles and Trademarks.

Those familiar with the Fair Use policy from Far Future Enterprises will recognize our own policies. With the exception of material available under the Open Game License, QuikLink follows the same policies as Far Future.

There have been a lot of questions lately about what we can allow and what we can't allow in order to protect our trademarks and copyrights. Here are some answers to FAQs (Oct 28, 2002).

1. May I create my own, original works and put them on a web or ftp site or share them with my friends?

If you use any Open Game Content (OGC) without the use of any Product Identity from The Traveller's Handbook, you must post a properly updated copy of the Open Game License (OGL) on your website with a link to the license from the work containing the OGC.

If you use any material containing Product Identity, Trademarks, or otherwise copyrighted material published by QuikLink, the following is also required:

a) You don't charge for it.
b) You include the following site-wide disclaimer in the text of a story or article, on a web site, or in the about box and/or splash screen of any software:

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 2002 QuikLink Interactive, Inc. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. QuikLink permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that QuikLink is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of QuikLink Interactive's product identity, copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

c) You notify QuikLink (it is sufficient to e-mail us) saying "I have a Traveller Web site at this URL: http://www.somehere.org/some.html" or other similar message.

2) May I post the contents of a Citizens of the Imperium article elsewhere online or on a web site?

No. Even though the articles available on the Citizens of the Imperium eZine are available for free, we still are paying for those articles and own the electronic publication rights to them. You are free however to link directly to a specific article on our website.

3) May I rewrite the game in my own words, scan parts of the book, or create any other derivative works.

No. Our reasoning is this:

If QuikLink does not establish standards for fair use, and does not police any use that is made, then QuikLink runs the risk of losing an enforceable ownership right. I can't use your car, even if you aren't using it. I need your permission. I can look at it, admire it, even write about it, but I can't take it or re-paint it without permission. Intellectual property is a special case, but the idea is much the same.

You can write about the Traveller universe, and put it on your web site... but you can't reproduce the rules (or re-writes of the rules, etc.) except for about a page (because we give permission to do that, provided you post the proper acknowledgment). The obvious exception to this is any material that has been designated as Open Game Content under the Open Game License. If you wish to use the OGC contained in The Traveller's Handbook, you are free to do so under the guidelines of the OGL with no other strings attached, provide you do not use any Product Identity or other Intellectual Property from the game.

Some publishers just say "You can't post anything." We are trying to have a kinder, gentler approach. QuikLink wants to be a player friendly company. We understand that you love the game and want to see it foster. We believe in supporting you the best way we can. Right now, we encourage you to create your own original works and have them follow our policies, which are the most fair in the industry.

But you can't just go rewrite the books in your own words.

4) What is considered Fair Use of your Product Identity and other copyrighted material?

About a page at a time.

The site must carry the proper QuikLink copyright/trademark acknowledgment. For posting of text or material from printed books and modules, QuikLink permits inclusion of some material and mention of trademark names (Traveller, and other titles). Our permission does not extend to wholesale or complete republication of our texts on-line (for obvious reasons). Limit your republication of texts to short passages (essentially a page or less of text). Our policy is to not be burdensome in our requirements, while still protecting our ownership of the text to these games. We appreciate game player support of our titles and we work to make involvement in these games interesting and fun.

This permission allows you to cite a portion of the book without copying the entire book. For instance, for an adventure about the Gateway Domain where you need to repeat a section about Annapabar, you could cull it from various texts and reproduce it. You could use a quote or two, or if need be extend that to about a page. However you cannot say "Here is page one of the T20 book." "Here is page two of the T20 book.", etc.

4a) Can I make a PDF of Traveller Stuff? Can I make scans of Traveller pages?

Yes. Subject to Fair Use, you can make scans or PDFs of pages from books you own. If you are making scans or PDFs for some project you are doing, there should be no problem. If you are PDFing a whole book, you've gone too far.

5) May I scan in a piece of artwork or a map for use?

Some artwork is created by the artist under a "work for hire" contract where the ownership of said art becomes the property of the publisher. Some artwork is provided on a limited use contract, in particularly photographs. If the artist created the works as work for hire for QuikLink, then QuikLink has the rights to say "Yes" or "No" to the question. If it was done by the artists on their own time, in particular for photographs, it may have been done on a limited use base, and that artist may own the copyright. So here is what we can allow:

Artwork such as items, vehicles, charts, maps and logos were created for QuikLink and we have the full rights to them. Atmosphere pieces, other illustrations and cover art, you probably need permission from the artists. QuikLink regrets that we cannot contact the artist for you.

QuikLink will allow you to use those items which we have the rights to, but in limited terms. You must include a Copyright for each piece used similar to:

This map is Copyright © 2002, QuikLink Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed for individual use.

[or current date, as time goes by]

You cannot scan entire sections of art in an attempt to reproduce a book, but if you want a to display a map on your web page to annotate an adventure you are righting, or you need to display a tank for an article that you have composed about it, then its OK to use it. You also must still have the site-wide copyright/trademark acknowledgment/disclaimer.

6) What if I have a Special Case?

Contact QuikLink for a specific ruling.
