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1st Duke of Regina

When was the 1st Duke of Regina granted the title?

The 11th was in 967 and the county was moved to the (newly created) Duke of Rhylanor in 522.

At 25-30 years per generation it would imply about 710 at the latest, 667 on average and 620 at the earliest. So Arbellatra, Zhakirov or Margaret I...My guess would be Arbellatra in the 630s for support in 2nd Frontier War, but does anyone know?
According the history of the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment, as explained in SMC page 38 and in JTAS 9 pages 12-13, Baron Caranda of Regima was a steadfast ruporter of Aldimral hault-Plankwall and his Imerial policies duting 1st Frontier War.

After Abellatra's victory in 2nd Frontier war, when she left for the Core, she left several nobles in charge of the Marches, Caranda among them (with some Mariens that forned the ccadre for the 4518th).

When Abellatra was procalimed Regent, she rewarded Caranda support by making him Marquis of Regina, in 622.

the most revelant part fpr your question though:

Marquis Caranda attended the coronation ceremonies for Abellatra in 629, and received his patent as a Grand and Noble Duke of the Imperium from her hand personally the next day
So, the Duke of Regina exists from this date, in 629.
Final Paragraph, Wiki, "Regina (world)".
This paragraph is not specifically attributed, so where that came from is anyone's guess.

There's a lot of Hans Ranke original material in the wiki entries for the Marches. In the case of Regina, most of the History section is a serial collaboration between Glenn Goffin and Hans. See the Metadata tag near the bottom of the page for Hans' explanation. The Ducal detail may or may not be some of it, though. There is a MegaTraveller interview with Norris that may be a reference for some details.

the county was moved to the (newly created) Duke of Rhylanor in 522.
Counties are rarely that large, or are you referring to the chain of command?
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The 11th [Duke] was in 967 and the county [of Regina ?] was moved to the (newly created) Duke of Rhylanor in 522.

Final Paragraph, Wiki, "Regina (world)".
This paragraph is not specifically attributed, so where that came from is anyone's guess.

There's a lot of Hans Ranke original material in the wiki entries for the Marches. In the case of Regina, most of the History section is a serial collaboration between Glenn Goffin and Hans. See the Metadata tag near the bottom of the page for Hans' explanation. The Ducal detail may or may not be some of it, though. There is a MegaTraveller interview with Norris that may be a reference for some details.

I would like to in-line cite and/or footnote the reference on the "Nobles of Regina" page on the Wiki. I could simply attribute it to Hans, but I would prefer it be a little more certain before I do so. I will look into it, but if anyone finds a definite attribution somewhere, please let me know.

Counties are rarely that large, or are you referring to the chain of command?

Or is it that the "County of Regina" was supposedly granted as a subsidiary title to the Duke of Rhylanor upon his elevation? Either way I am not certain of the origin.
On a related note...the Duchy of Regina includes the Paya Cluster...Is that all the way to Macene, just to Kinorb, or just to Inthe?
The Duchy of Rhylanor description suggests that it has all the Rhylanor and some Lanth worlds. My take is that Regina stops at Inthe. Am I correct?
On a related note...the Duchy of Regina includes the Paya Cluster...Is that all the way to Macene, just to Kinorb, or just to Inthe?
The Duchy of Rhylanor description suggests that it has all the Rhylanor and some Lanth worlds. My take is that Regina stops at Inthe. Am I correct?

The only time the borders are precise is when every subsector has a Duke. Subsectors without one can be administered by an adjacent Duke with the understanding that if a Duke is appointed there the neighbor loses his primacy, though probably not his economic ties. You'll also see subsectors split between multiple adjacent Dukes.
I would like to in-line cite and/or footnote the reference on the "Nobles of Regina" page on the Wiki. I could simply attribute it to Hans, but I would prefer it be a little more certain before I do so. I will look into it, but if anyone finds a definite attribution somewhere, please let me know.

Looking at Hans' first edit of the Regina page in 2007, he actually flagged all of that history he added as Non-canon, and kept insisting on that label. I don't see a Nobles section added under his name.
Or is it that the "County of Regina" was supposedly granted as a subsidiary title to the Duke of Rhylanor upon his elevation? Either way I am not certain of the origin.

I don't think that this interpretation can stand. The County existed before 522. To have his interpretation would imply that the 1st creation had become extinct and the Duke of Rhylanor was the 2nd creation...and as the holder of the title (different name) was executed 100 years later (the Duke became empress) I'd suspect it wasn't them.