January 2:
Juliette Lavoie (Age 20)

Below average (2-5) none; Average (6-8)
DEX, END, SOC; Above average (9-C)
Skills: Blade-3, Bow-2, Streetwise-1, Hunting-0
Equipment: a pneumatic, repeating crossbow (2D6; 3 round burst; 30 round magazine)
Juliette was born into a family of anti-Government survivalists. The "New Dawn" was a Survivalist Community/Movement [
Think AMISH Post-Apocalypse Preppers meets "SURVIVORS/NAKED AND AFRAID"] They lived off the grid, in the deep jungle, and if they could not grow/kill/make it, then they did not need it.
nobody on the planet knows what - or is willing to say] and the 'New Dawn Movement' formed a Militia and began attacking Transportation Convoys. The Government assumed that people living at TL 0-3 would be easily dealt with by the LEO and a small National Guard force, until the Government Forces were completely decimated by Pneumatic Crossbows firing 3 round bursts by a militia using Guerilla tactics that would make a Recon Scout proud. Juliette was raised in this community and "Barbarians" [
characters from lower TLs] begin careers at age 14, so she was 16 years old (her second/third year of Term 1) when the War broke out and recruited into a guerilla raiding party.
The Marines were sent in [a Marine Raiding Company equipped at TL 10-11 backed by a larger Army unit equipped at TL 9-10] to destroy the New Dawn Movement. The Community of about 100 fanatical men woman and children refused to surrender and inflicted a 2:1 kill ratio against the Marine raiders and closer to a 5:1 ratio against the Army units before being carpet bombed by COACC and overrun by ground forces. Almost none were captured, choosing to die fighting (including IED suicide attacks). Juliette’s family was wiped out by Government forces, but Juliette survived the massacre of the New Dawn Militia/Community and escaped (wounded) into the jungle.
Four years have passed since the “New Dawn Massacre” and 20-year-old Juliette is “homesteading” in a new, remote wilderness (far from her original community) and in the middle of Barbarian Term 2.
STEP 1: Detect: (each hour) 2d6, 10+ detect “track / spoor / habitat”
roll 2d6 for TYPE:
Die | Animal | Weight | Hits | Armor | Wounds & Weapons | Action |
2 | 6 Hijacker | 25 kg | 7/3 | none | claws | A5 F3 S1 |
3 | 5 Hunter | 400 kg | 18/15 | none | +2D claws+1, teeth+1 | A1 F4 S1 |
4 | 7 Carrion | 800 kg | 23/10 | none | +3D thrasher | A8 F3 S1 |
5 | 1 Hunter | 200 kg | 11/11 | none | +1D claws, teeth | A4 F7 S1 |
6 | 1 Intermittent | 100 kg | 11/7 | none | hooves | A4 F7 S1 |
7 | 1 Pouncer | 50 kg | 12/7 | none | as broadsword | A0 F0 S1 |
8 | 1 Intermittent | 25 kg | 14/7 | none | horns | A6 F6 S1 |
9 | 1 Trapper | 200 kg | 17/7 | none | +1D claws+1, teeth+1 | A0 F4 S1 |
10+ | special (including searching for a specific species) | | | | | |
STEP 2: Stalk: (each 15 min) roll 1d6, roll higher than speed to follow;
roll 2d6, if roll is equal to TYPE, then find it.
STEP 3: Conquest: (standard combat rules) kill / photograph / contact
ALTERNATE: Ambush: (per hour) wait in blind, 2d6, roll 12+ equals ambush prey [roll TYPE and go to combat rules]
Chester: “
So what now? …”
Juliette responded. “
Now this.” She snatched Chester's ACR and tossed it to Hol “
Carry this.“ She grabbed her Crossbow and pulled Chester to his feet “
You come with me and WE talk.” Juliette dragged Chester towards her ‘home’ and Hol followed.
For a moment, Chester feared he was being dragged into the woods to be executed, but Hol’s reaction suggested that THIS was something else and his mission and curiosity suggested that he would learn more by following along than trying to fight to escape. Juliette led them into the woods to a tunnel entrance down into a well-concealed mound. A standard Infantry GRID SEARCH would only have had a 50/50 chance to spot it unless they were scanning for underground bunkers.
Inside, the bunker was deep - deep enough to survive surface bombardment except for a direct hit by Starship grade weapons. The walls were lined with uncut fieldstone and braced with heavy timbers. The ceiling was domed slightly and covered in cement plaster. Crude ceramic jars, some as large as ten gallons and covered in woven hemp, lined one wall in a storage area. There was a wood-burning ceramic stove with an electric outlet built into the side and a battery slow-charging from the outlet. [It was the only item in the room that seemed to require electricity]. The two chairs were folding camp stools with legs carved from branches and seats made of animal hides. Juliette racked her Crossbow on wall pegs apparently designed for that purpose. The one-room space had a “
place for everything and everything in its place” feel to it.
Juliette invited Chester to “
Sit down before you fall down.” as she gestured to the stool. Chester obliged, but the walk and time had done him a great deal of good. He was feeling strong and alert again, but that was information he felt no need to share.
Juliette waved her arms around the room and addressed Chester directly “
This is it. This is the ‘New Dawn Movement’ your government is so determined to wipe out. We … which is just me now that you successfully killed everyone else except me … have nothing that we did not grow, kill or make ourselves … myself. It is a LIFE and a PHILOSOPHY of living deliberately and striving for complete Self-Reliance without the distraction and dependence on Technology. I hear that the typical City Worker labors 40 hours per week or more to meet their basic needs. This life requires between 8 and 12 hours per week of labor to meet minimum basic needs.”
Juliette walked over to her crossbow and ran her fingers along it, caressing the hand-carved wooden stock. “
The Government sent you to kill me and destroy this to STOP the ‘New Dawn’ at all costs. You are prepared to DIE to kill me and stop this. I am prepared to kill you, and as many more as they send, in my fight to preserve THIS way of life.” Juliette smiled a wry smile. “
It would appear that we are at an impasse, would it not? However, appearances can be deceiving. I have been here before. I know how this dance ends. So … MARINE …” Juliette took the Crossbow down from the peg and readied it to fire, unloading and reloading it. Then she took the ACR from Hol and briefly removed and reseated the clip, drew the bolt, set the selector to ‘burst’ and released the safety. Picking up her Crossbow “
... If you REALLY want to destroy this and kill me. This is it: Hol, please hand the Marine his weapon. We will kill each other and the New Dawn ends … right here and right now. Without a lot of other innocent Marines and Friends needing to die with us. So MARINE, the choice is yours … are you ready to leave your wife to raise your children alone to destroy all this!” Juliette smiled as she pointed the weapon around the room.
Juliette then aimed the Crossbow directly at Chester and waited for Hol to hand him his ACR. “
You called this meeting. You wanted to find me. So, which will it be, MARINE. Do we shoot and die, or do we set the weapons down and declare this war over? Make the choice for both of us.”
Hol handed Chester his ACR and stepped back from the Line of Fire.