Hi hunter. What's the ETA on 2320 hard copy? I'm a bit concerned that mongoose may corner the 'never bought a sci-fi rpg but will try this new one' market before 2320AD is released. I'm obviously also curious about my artwork being used, how much of it and payment.
Cheers Hunter, keep up the good work!
Obviously, my meaning wasn't clear. I meant would QuikLink be able to use the Mongoose Traveller SRD and Traveller Trademark Licence to product a Traveller compatible version of 2320? Or have Far Future only licensed 2320 for T20?
Obviously, my meaning wasn't clear. I meant would QuikLink be able to use the Mongoose Traveller SRD and Traveller Trademark Licence to product a Traveller compatible version of 2320? Or have Far Future only licensed 2320 for T20?
Given my understanding of how the Mongoose licenses is planned to work, yes this might be possible. Note however that the exact license details haven't been released, so take that answer with a grain of salt
Just dropped in for a quick peek, and not knowing what this Mongoose announchment is all about, I still want a hardcopy of the 2320 rulebook - period no matter what.
Given my understanding of how the Mongoose licenses is planned to work, yes this might be possible. Note however that the exact license details haven't been released, so take that answer with a grain of salt