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3-d Sol Subsector

This is a Subsector I'm working on for the New Era. I haven't made adjustments for the post collapse, this represents the state of things before the Virus and during the Civil War. At least in My Traveller Universe. I figure this is the most useful era for doing a 3-d subsector since after the collapse most concerns will be local, there is no overshadowing Imperium for me to map, so I'll just map this one subsector. The Alpha Centauri System, which I just finished has 4 mainworlds, 3 of them have habitable atmospheres, and the 4th Proxima does not. This might be a post collapse pocket empire as well, haven't made up my mind yet. Earth and the Centauri systems are balkanized and a number of powerful nations there vie for control, and they also have colonies in other systems as well.

You can get more detain by going to My Traveller Universe - Sol Sector - A new setting

This is a 3-dimensional subsector with the first 2 digits representing the hex layer.

Pre-Collapse Data
------ ---------------- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
Hex -- NAME ----------- UWP --------- Trade Class -- Zone PBG Stellar Data Colonized By
------ ---------------- ------------- -------------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------
011826 GLIESE 1 ------- B000535-B --- Ni De As ----- ---- 614 M3 V ------- --------------------------
011828 YZ CETI -------- C000466-C --- Ni De As ----- ---- 113 M4.5 V -----
011924 GLIESE 832 ----- B00087C-9 --- Na De As ----- ---- 525 M3 V -------
012129 LP 944-020 ----- B699950-E --- In ----------- ---- 913 BD ---------

021722 GLIESE 783 ----- C331654-8 -S- Na Ni Po ----- ---- 921 K3 V/M4 V --
021824 LACAILLE 8760 -- X000234-1 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 622 M0 V -------
021826 LACAILLE 9352 -- C0009CB-A --- Na In De As -- ---- 921 M1.5 V -----
021828 TAU CETI ------- A865540-B --- Ni De -------- ---- 911 G8 V -------
021922 GLIESE 784 ----- E0007B9-6 --- Na De As ----- ---- 115 M0 V -------
021925 EPSILON INDI --- B200698-9 SN- Na Ni De Va -- ---- 611 K5 V -------
022028 LUYTEN 372-58 -- D455589-5 --- Ag Ni -------- ---- 625 M5.5 V -----
022123 DELTA PAVONIS -- A887844-F --- Ni ----------- ---- 312 G8 V -------

031922 GLIESE 745 ----- D664353-8 S - Ni ----------- ---- 111 M4.5 V -----
031930 EPSILON ERIDANI- D6648CH-C --- -------------- ---- 912 K2 V -------
032129 KAPTEYN’S STAR - X000003-2 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 811 M1.5 V -----

041725 AGIDDA --------- A972979-F --- -------------- ---- 102 M2 V -------
041923 GLIESE 682 ----- D000533-8 –S- Ni De As ----- ---- 903 M4.5 V -----
042023 GLIESE 674 ----- A500666-B –N- Na Ni De Va -- ---- 322 M4.5 V -----
042122 GLIESE 693 ----- C767300-C --- Ni Ag -------- ---- 914 M4 V -------

051821 GJ 2130 -------- A0009AC-C --- Na In De As -- ---- 131 M2 V/M2 V/M5 V
051827 EARTH and MARS ---------- Earth A867973-F –B- Mars A454951-F - B -------------- ---- 724 G2 V
051921 GLIESE 667 ----- A000564-F --- Ni De As ----- ---- 112 M5 V/K5 V/M2 V
051926 BARNARD -------- B200869-E --- Na ----------- ---- 812 M5 V -------
052027 ALPHA CENTAURI - Prometheus A785979-F –S-, Athena A464947-F –S-, Thea A866973-F, Proxima A300587-F –N- -------------- ---- 913 G2 V/K6 V/M5 V
052029 SIRIUS --------- E00099C-9 --- Na In De As -- ---- 614 A1 V/DA ----
052325 WD 1142-645 ---- A000557-A –N- Na In De As -- ---- 123 DA ---------
052326 LHS 288 -------- B0009BD-A --- Na In De As -- ---- 521 M5.5 V -----

061821 36 OPHIUCHI ---- X000100-3 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 611 K5 V -------
062030 PROCYON -------- E000432-8 --- Ni De As ----- -A-- 321 F5 V/DF ----
062122 GLIESE 588 ----- D000410-6 --- Ni De As ----- ---- 132 M3 V -------
062226 EMBER ---------- A412969-D –N- Na In -------- ---- 302 M8 V -------
062430 GLIESE 360 ----- X457137-3 --- Ni ----------- ---- 621 M3.5 V -----

071722 WOLF 630/629 --- C100AFH-C --- Na In De Va -- ---- 713 M5 V/M5 V/M5 V/M5 V/M5 V
071823 WOLF 1061 ----- X646678-0 --- Ag Ni -------- ---- 111 M3 V -------
071828 LALANDE 21185 - C210775-8 --- Na De -------- ---- 311 M2 V -------
071928 WOLF 359 ------ X344346-0 --- Ni ----------- ---- 612 M8 V -------
071930 DX CANCRI ----- D310767-3 -S- Na De -------- -A-- 522 M6.5 V -----

081829 ROSS 128 ------ C7A3415-5 Ni ----------- ---- 414 M4 V -------
082022 GLIESE 570 ---- C235343-A Ni ----------- ---- 121 K5 V/M1 V/M3 V
082221 LHS 3003 ------ C000558-D S Ni De As ----- ---- 412 M7 V -------
082228 LOKI ---------- C9CA369-D Ni ----------- ---- 111 M4 V -------
For completeness, you should include Luna, the Asteroid Belt and maybe one or more moons of Jupiter and Saturn in the Sol System. Lund and the Belt at least should have permanent colonies, and there should at least be research and refueling stations on the others, IMHO. Otherwise, great job!