All these items pertain to the Adventure Cold Fuzion.
In the Adventure Cold Fuzion you have a checklist at the end. The table columns do not line up with their respective headers, just a formatting problem.
Also, Act I Scene 3 is labeled in the adventure as being "The Chamber", whereas in the checklist it is listed as "The Octagon".
Similarly Act 2 Scene 2 in adventure is "A Riot in Town", and in checklist is "Riot on the Town".
Checklist Act 4. Scene 3 "These Times They Are A Changin" and Scene 5 "The Fuzion Lab" are listed in the adventure as Key, but not on the checklist.
On the header for the Cold Fuzion adventure change "A TRAVELLER20 ADVENTURE" to "A TRAVELLER[superscript 20] ADVENTURE" to be consistent with the rest of
the use.
Under the Requirements for the Adventure it makes it sound like the Traveller20 rules and the Traveller's Handbook are two different books. Consider revising slightly.
Under "NOTES ON THE EPIC ADVENTURE FORMAT" it states that it is divided into four main parts "The Adventure, the Cast of Characters, Library Data, and the Epic
Checklist." However in the layout the Cast of Characters actually comes before the adventure itself, but after the background. This may be standard text but it begins
specifically with "This Adventure".
The next paragraph states that there are four Acts in the adventure, each consisting of one or more scenes. Now this may be standard text for the Epic Format, but each of
the Acts in this adventure has 5 scenes (one has a 1A and a 1B), so saying this seems incorrect even though they may only use one scene in the act. Consider revising
this entire paragraph as it also goes on to say that the next Act takes place after ALL scenes from the current Act are completed.
Under the "Act and Scene Format" it states that under the "Referee Information" section it may include Library Data Links. Now this seems odd as there is a seperate
section at the end of each Act anyway that holds the Library Data Links.
Under "STANDARDS AND ASSUMPTIONS" it states that one of the locations for the adventure is Hansen's World (1732). Now on the maps this system is labelled as 750
-857. You may wish to point this out here in case people get confused if they look it up on the map.
With the rules for "THE DRUG" under the "Referee's Data" section it gives no indication of how often the user has to take the drug for. Surely someone who takes it every
day will suffer a lot quicker than someone who only has it socially once a month. Also what if someone is injecting and takes the entire vial at once instead of the quarter vial
they should be using as an injection dose? I think the rules for this need to be expanded slightly to take these questions into account.
"Horace Bertran" The sentence in the first paragraph "His plan was to put some time in the commercial sector to sock away some money before applying for a position with
the Ministry of Justice." Add an IN before "some time in", also change "sock away" to "stash away" or something like that, I am not aware of the term "sock away" if that
was what was originally meant. Also in his stats some skills have spaces before the + modifier, and some don't. This needs checking throughout all the NPCs.
"Leo Farnold" Give him a knowledge skill for his knowledge of the Roman empire and emperors.
"Gvarrk Ouzushush" The sentence in the first paragraph "He had arranged for a shipment of Fuzion to be delivered to nearby world but something went wrong and the
Imperial authorities caught wind of the operation". Add in an A before "nearby world", and consider adding in the name of the nearby world as additional flavour text. Also
consider giving him some stats and skills as the players do meet with him at the start of the adventure before he winds up dead.
"Trenton Persus" Change the sentence "In heavy debt due to a love of gambling (but no skill).." to say "(but no real skill)" as to say he has no skill is incorrect as his stats
list him as having Gambling +6.
"Company Security" Sentence beginning "In certain situation, company security..." typo, situation needs changing to situations. Also you should list what these certain situations are.
I shall add more if and when I find them when I get a chance to read the main part of the adventure.
In the Adventure Cold Fuzion you have a checklist at the end. The table columns do not line up with their respective headers, just a formatting problem.
Also, Act I Scene 3 is labeled in the adventure as being "The Chamber", whereas in the checklist it is listed as "The Octagon".
Similarly Act 2 Scene 2 in adventure is "A Riot in Town", and in checklist is "Riot on the Town".
Checklist Act 4. Scene 3 "These Times They Are A Changin" and Scene 5 "The Fuzion Lab" are listed in the adventure as Key, but not on the checklist.
On the header for the Cold Fuzion adventure change "A TRAVELLER20 ADVENTURE" to "A TRAVELLER[superscript 20] ADVENTURE" to be consistent with the rest of
the use.
Under the Requirements for the Adventure it makes it sound like the Traveller20 rules and the Traveller's Handbook are two different books. Consider revising slightly.
Under "NOTES ON THE EPIC ADVENTURE FORMAT" it states that it is divided into four main parts "The Adventure, the Cast of Characters, Library Data, and the Epic
Checklist." However in the layout the Cast of Characters actually comes before the adventure itself, but after the background. This may be standard text but it begins
specifically with "This Adventure".
The next paragraph states that there are four Acts in the adventure, each consisting of one or more scenes. Now this may be standard text for the Epic Format, but each of
the Acts in this adventure has 5 scenes (one has a 1A and a 1B), so saying this seems incorrect even though they may only use one scene in the act. Consider revising
this entire paragraph as it also goes on to say that the next Act takes place after ALL scenes from the current Act are completed.
Under the "Act and Scene Format" it states that under the "Referee Information" section it may include Library Data Links. Now this seems odd as there is a seperate
section at the end of each Act anyway that holds the Library Data Links.
Under "STANDARDS AND ASSUMPTIONS" it states that one of the locations for the adventure is Hansen's World (1732). Now on the maps this system is labelled as 750
-857. You may wish to point this out here in case people get confused if they look it up on the map.
With the rules for "THE DRUG" under the "Referee's Data" section it gives no indication of how often the user has to take the drug for. Surely someone who takes it every
day will suffer a lot quicker than someone who only has it socially once a month. Also what if someone is injecting and takes the entire vial at once instead of the quarter vial
they should be using as an injection dose? I think the rules for this need to be expanded slightly to take these questions into account.
"Horace Bertran" The sentence in the first paragraph "His plan was to put some time in the commercial sector to sock away some money before applying for a position with
the Ministry of Justice." Add an IN before "some time in", also change "sock away" to "stash away" or something like that, I am not aware of the term "sock away" if that
was what was originally meant. Also in his stats some skills have spaces before the + modifier, and some don't. This needs checking throughout all the NPCs.
"Leo Farnold" Give him a knowledge skill for his knowledge of the Roman empire and emperors.
"Gvarrk Ouzushush" The sentence in the first paragraph "He had arranged for a shipment of Fuzion to be delivered to nearby world but something went wrong and the
Imperial authorities caught wind of the operation". Add in an A before "nearby world", and consider adding in the name of the nearby world as additional flavour text. Also
consider giving him some stats and skills as the players do meet with him at the start of the adventure before he winds up dead.
"Trenton Persus" Change the sentence "In heavy debt due to a love of gambling (but no skill).." to say "(but no real skill)" as to say he has no skill is incorrect as his stats
list him as having Gambling +6.
"Company Security" Sentence beginning "In certain situation, company security..." typo, situation needs changing to situations. Also you should list what these certain situations are.
I shall add more if and when I find them when I get a chance to read the main part of the adventure.