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A RPG collection for sale on ebay


SOC-14 1K
Note: I'm doing this as a favor for a TML member who is not a member of CotI. So I'm not getting anything out of this though I plan to take a look at the auctions and perhaps bid on a few myself. ^_^


Full list of the items he is selling can be found here:

Full List on Ebay

He's moving and thought people should have a chance to have the fun he had with these books.

from a message originally posted 06/16/2004 on the TML

Today it is Traveller: New Era and several GDW MegaTraveller items.

* Traveller: The New Era
* Survival Margin: Gateway to the New Era
* Path of Tears: The Star Viking Sourcebook
* Vampire Fleets: The Virus Sourcebook
* The Regency Sourcebook: Keepers of the Flame
* Smash & Grab: Star Viking Hot Recovery Operations
* World Tamers Handbook
* Fire, Fusion, & Steel


* Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium
* Hard Times
* Astrogators' Guide to Diaspora
* Arrival Vengance
* Far and Away Magazine #1, which has several MegaTraveller bits by Andrew and William Keith

In the near future I will be posting all of my Classic Traveller and 2300AD stuff, which includes several boxed sets (Imperium, Brilliant Lances, Battle Rider and Star Cruiser) as well as my other GDW stuff (Twilight 2000, Harpoon). In fact, I am selling almost my entire RPG collection (500+ books) but I won't post any further notices about that here.


Joseph R. Dietrich
yikes at evansville.net

from a message originally posted 06/16/2004 on the TML

Following up on my post from yesterday, the following items are scheduled to go on auction on eBay today:

* GDW Alien Module 2: K'kree
* GDW Atlas of the Imperium
* GDW Rebellion Sourcebook
* GDW Knightfall
* GDW Referee's Companion

* Traveller's Digest #11
* Traveller's Digest #15
* Traveller's Digest #16
* Traveller's Digest #17
* Traveller's Digest #20
* Traveller's Digest #21

* DGP Starship Operator's Manual
* DGP World Builder's Handbook
* DGP Vilani & Vargr
* DGP Flaming Eye Campaign Sourcebook
* DGP Solomani & Aslan
* DGP 101 Vehicles
* DGP Referee's Gaming Kit

* MegaTraveller Journal #2
* MegaTraveller Journal #2
* MegaTraveller Journal #2

* GDW The Traveller Book

They should start appearing about 8 PDT, seperated by 15 min each (so no one will miss the bidding close on an item because they have another item to bid on).

The full list of what I am selling so far will appear here:


By 13:15 PDT.

I still have some Little Black Books, boxed games, and 2300AD books to post. Some of these will go on auction tomorrow.


Joseph R. Dietrich
yikes at evansville.net