Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Inspired by Buck Rogers...
Picture the crew of the free trader, all strapped with G-Belts, carrying laser rifles and cutlasses.
Zhodani foes. Most also with G-Belts. But, the officer stands on a G-Sled--a disc with rails--slightly apart from the action, using his comm to order his troops and his psionics to support them.
A Zhodani war bot zips by, it's rotating ball of a head able to point its weapon in any direction.
A flying mess of aerial dogfighting. The crew of the free trader flip down their visors and slap on the O2 assist.
Laserbeams flash by in all directions, connecting the moving dots.
One of the crewman's power packs gets zapped. He quickly unstraps it and lets it drop. The thing crashes into the trees below. He pulls out his AutoPistol and starts blasting away.
But, not all combat is at range. No, sometimes, it comes to one-on-one blows. Aerial hand-fighting...with saber...with leather gloved fists...with brass knuckles and head butts...whatever you've got.
Men go spinning out of control.
A crewman, with three Zho's on his tail, drops low, below the top of the treeline, zipping through the branches while bark explodes in front of his eyes from the missed shots of his enemy.
Another crewman grabs his head. Unseen by anyone, his eyes roll up into his head. Then he somersaults wildly to the ground.
And, the Zhodani officer smiles.
Picture the crew of the free trader, all strapped with G-Belts, carrying laser rifles and cutlasses.
Zhodani foes. Most also with G-Belts. But, the officer stands on a G-Sled--a disc with rails--slightly apart from the action, using his comm to order his troops and his psionics to support them.
A Zhodani war bot zips by, it's rotating ball of a head able to point its weapon in any direction.
A flying mess of aerial dogfighting. The crew of the free trader flip down their visors and slap on the O2 assist.
Laserbeams flash by in all directions, connecting the moving dots.
One of the crewman's power packs gets zapped. He quickly unstraps it and lets it drop. The thing crashes into the trees below. He pulls out his AutoPistol and starts blasting away.
But, not all combat is at range. No, sometimes, it comes to one-on-one blows. Aerial hand-fighting...with saber...with leather gloved fists...with brass knuckles and head butts...whatever you've got.
Men go spinning out of control.
A crewman, with three Zho's on his tail, drops low, below the top of the treeline, zipping through the branches while bark explodes in front of his eyes from the missed shots of his enemy.
Another crewman grabs his head. Unseen by anyone, his eyes roll up into his head. Then he somersaults wildly to the ground.
And, the Zhodani officer smiles.