Nope, I didn't know that. I know that it's shocking, the number of things I don't know. Come to think of it, I don't even know the NUMBER of the number of things I don't know.Originally posted by Malenfant:
You do know you can get the 1248 story by subscribing to the playtest here, right? (which also nets you a hardcopy of the book when it comes out)
It was finding this kind of stuff for free this time last year that got me buying Traveller stuff again. If you check out the competitors web sites you can find a lot of freebies for most games now.You guys really ought to have some sort of freebie micro-setting/adventure to give away with the T20 Lite rules. T20 Lite + Kursis Charter from PDFs (up to the end of Miip) was what made me try Traveller again. It's how I ended up buying T20 rather than GURPS. I field "where can I get this Linkworlds thing to try out the game" queries on three different forums.
Three planets, flavour text on local space, and an adventure would do fine. Just enough for a couple of sessions. Make sure it's prominent on the site, playable with Merchant class characters, and that the lite rules and micro-setting mention each other in the text.
While this is a nice incentive for people to order through QLI, I will be supporting my FLGS and ordering it through them. Well as soon as I get confirmation that the stock number is either the same as the PDF or what the actual stock number will be.Originally posted by MJD:
Hunter has just informed me that Gateway has gone to press. We're going to be giving away a freebie supplement in PDF form, the Sydymic Outworlds Cluster, for those who order Gateway direct.
Sydymic Outworlds will sooner or later be on sale (I think the suggested price was $10) separately.
Ordering information will be appearing pretty soon.