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About the dead tree version


The sourcebook will be softcover.
The price has not been set in stone yet due to printing cost variables.

Hunter will have more when he is back online, hopefully late friday night or saturday for sure.

There will be an announcement.

The Man Behind the Curtain
Bruce: Softcover? Huh, for some reason I thought Gateway was going to be hardcover. /me shrugs

Morte: Your brain will likely hurt more once it's posted and the feedback commences. ^_^

Casey (who likes rpg.net fwiw)
Hunter, eluded to a Players Handbook also due out soon on the Mortality Radio show...but I did not see that particular gem in the In Production stage...

Which would come first PH or 1248 Milieu...my preference would be for the latter but I know that I am in the minority...

BTW, the idea mentioned on Mortality of having a regular Traveller online radio show sounds absolutely fabulous...although, soon, I might be heading back to Prague so to call in or even to chat will mean pulling an all-nighter...
Agreed. We want the 1248 book! We want to see the "official" version of getting-that-whole-Virus thing out of the way and the rebuilding of the Imperium. (There must be so much intrigue going on that there must be thousands of stories available.)
You do know you can get the 1248 story by subscribing to the playtest here, right? (which also nets you a hardcopy of the book when it comes out)

That is why I am putting my pennies in a jar to save enough for the playtest area...

Also, logically, the Players Handbook could describe some of the feats that would fleshed out in things like the Milieu sourcebook(s). Right now, I cannot wait to get my grubby paws on Gateway to Destiny, as it looks like it will be a significant addition to the Traveller backstory which I love...

Mechanics are fine but I usually just fly by the seat of my pants when refereeing Traveller. So a book with a bunch of rules is useful so long as it contains (a) lots of art (b) things that directly inspire better play.

Thus far, T20 has surpassed my reservations and delievered the goods...so now I want to wet my appetite on history...
From my understanding, the Players Handbook would come first just because it's already mostly written, if not completely written. They are still writing the 1248 book.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
You do know you can get the 1248 story by subscribing to the playtest here, right? (which also nets you a hardcopy of the book when it comes out)
Nope, I didn't know that. I know that it's shocking, the number of things I don't know. Come to think of it, I don't even know the NUMBER of the number of things I don't know.

So I'm gonna look around the site a bit and see if I can find this playtest area, and its cost. Thanks for the tip!

Ignorantly yours, :confused:
Hunter has just informed me that Gateway has gone to press. We're going to be giving away a freebie supplement in PDF form, the Sydymic Outworlds Cluster, for those who order Gateway direct.

Sydymic Outworlds will sooner or later be on sale (I think the suggested price was $10) separately.

Ordering information will be appearing pretty soon.
1. Congratulations on going to press with big book #2

2. I had the impression (perhaps wrongly) that Sydymic Outworlds was going to be free, to replace Linkworlds. Not that I'm qualified to tell you how to run an RPG business or anything, but this being the internet I won't let that stop me...

You guys really ought to have some sort of freebie micro-setting/adventure to give away with the T20 Lite rules. T20 Lite + Kursis Charter from PDFs (up to the end of Miip) was what made me try Traveller again. It's how I ended up buying T20 rather than GURPS. I field "where can I get this Linkworlds thing to try out the game" queries on three different forums.

Three planets, flavour text on local space, and an adventure would do fine. Just enough for a couple of sessions. Make sure it's prominent on the site, playable with Merchant class characters, and that the lite rules and micro-setting mention each other in the text.
I'd like to echo Morte's suggestion:
You guys really ought to have some sort of freebie micro-setting/adventure to give away with the T20 Lite rules. T20 Lite + Kursis Charter from PDFs (up to the end of Miip) was what made me try Traveller again. It's how I ended up buying T20 rather than GURPS. I field "where can I get this Linkworlds thing to try out the game" queries on three different forums.

Three planets, flavour text on local space, and an adventure would do fine. Just enough for a couple of sessions. Make sure it's prominent on the site, playable with Merchant class characters, and that the lite rules and micro-setting mention each other in the text.
It was finding this kind of stuff for free this time last year that got me buying Traveller stuff again. If you check out the competitors web sites you can find a lot of freebies for most games now.

Since people are still asking for the free version of Linkworlds then it might be a good idea to give it to them, even if in reduced form. I don't think it will affect the sales of the Ref's Screen at all.

It's great news to hear that Gateway is finally about to hit the shelves, I hope you've printed enough ;)
I'm definitely looking forward to the new book.
BTW, did Hunter ever announce the names of those who would be receiving complimentary copies for their aid in editing and contributions with the "draft" PDF release? I notice that their names were not mentioned in the credits of the PDF, but wasn't sure if they would or not.


If you're looking for nominations, I'd definitely suggest Morte, for his review of the final PDF that hit ENWorld's announcements today. He's definitely creating awareness.

Just curious,
Originally posted by MJD:
Hunter has just informed me that Gateway has gone to press. We're going to be giving away a freebie supplement in PDF form, the Sydymic Outworlds Cluster, for those who order Gateway direct.

Sydymic Outworlds will sooner or later be on sale (I think the suggested price was $10) separately.

Ordering information will be appearing pretty soon.
While this is a nice incentive for people to order through QLI, I will be supporting my FLGS and ordering it through them. Well as soon as I get confirmation that the stock number is either the same as the PDF or what the actual stock number will be. ;)
(too late for ordering it this week though :( )
