Okay, so this is another extract from my blog. I saw "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio when I was between houses the year before last, and it seemed like the quintessential Classic Traveller adventure. It takes place in a "far off land", doesn't have a "save the multiverse!....ahhh!!!" theme to it, and in this sense is grounded, but does have a good sprinkle of international (interstellar in CT speak) intrigue. That, and it's thematic in spite of a criminal plot that involves mercenaries and precious gems. And, before I wrote this seed, I actually did research the world and circumstances, so there's no Lucan-like faux paus (I could have sworn that dude was older
). Either way enjoy and let me know what you think if you're so inclined to post a comment
Year 1100, day 228
Spinward Marches
Regina Subsector
Ruie (hex 1809)
New Capetown
Watch; https://youtu.be/yknIZsvQjG4
The NH (New Human) terrorists was a nightmare. But it’s over. Yet Ruie’s troubles are not over. One of the poorer nations, under the thumb of a totalitarian dictator, relies on diamond mining to supplement his nation’s income (and his personal pockets). Odd, since manufacturing diamonds is now standard practice, and has been for centuries, if not a couple of millennia—at least in this region of space.
But Lord Khyber is calculating and not a feeling man. Humans are tools to be used, and currently Imperial intelligence believes Khyber is trying to fund a military takeover of equally neighboring states. Something less of a full invasion, and more along the lines of a subversive junta.
Merchants skirting the law sometimes frequent his nations grade-C starport (which seems to cater mostly to ancient aircraft from other nations, but also has legitimate—although bare minimum—starship facilities) will throw some cash to the state run mining consortium for a shipment to sell either to another country on Ruie, or more often off world to worlds outside the Imperium (occasionally a shipment makes it into the Marches).
Khyber’s rule is total and exacting. He takes what he wants regardless of what anyone thinks. The only thing stopping him from expanding his rule is the fact that the nations surrounding his own are their fairly stalwart security forces, which he is trying to subvert or otherwise compromise.
Khyber’s military forces are a patchwork of various weapons from a thousand worlds, and it’s amazing that he’s managed to keep other nations from invading his own territory, much less him planning some kind of takeover of one of his neighbors.
The IISS has contracted you via one of the local embassy’s with an IISS scout office staffed by three personnel, to infiltrate Khyber’s nation and get some evidence that he is planning a coup of another nation. His nation’s mining operation, though brutal in the extreme and highly inhuman (tired workers denied breaks, shot if complaining on being too tired or hungry, starvation of his people so he and his security can eat) is in fact a “legal” business, though many of Ruie’s nations refuse to do business with Khyber, and the Imperium itself has put sanctions on the nation and anyone dealing with the state mining company.
Khyber’s standard security personnel usually consists of a drab green uniformed male armed with an antiquated automatic rifle. There is no standard caliber for the percussion weapons, and equally so his men who have higher tech weapons are also not standardized. The more privileged soldier may be armored. More often the regular may only be wearing a t-shirt, sandals, shorts and an old battered shirt.
The streets are dirty, public works, other than some rudimentary water (unclean) and electricity are really the only facets of civilization. Khyber’s stronghold of a nation is anything but a paradise, and yet he is the most powerful warlord in the region, making him the authority to deal with.
Gaining evidence of his illegal trade and human rights abuses will add to the Imperium’s of rhetoric for nations interested in signing on with the Imperium as a regional protectorate.
Be cautious.

Year 1100, day 228
Spinward Marches
Regina Subsector
Ruie (hex 1809)
New Capetown
Watch; https://youtu.be/yknIZsvQjG4
The NH (New Human) terrorists was a nightmare. But it’s over. Yet Ruie’s troubles are not over. One of the poorer nations, under the thumb of a totalitarian dictator, relies on diamond mining to supplement his nation’s income (and his personal pockets). Odd, since manufacturing diamonds is now standard practice, and has been for centuries, if not a couple of millennia—at least in this region of space.
But Lord Khyber is calculating and not a feeling man. Humans are tools to be used, and currently Imperial intelligence believes Khyber is trying to fund a military takeover of equally neighboring states. Something less of a full invasion, and more along the lines of a subversive junta.
Merchants skirting the law sometimes frequent his nations grade-C starport (which seems to cater mostly to ancient aircraft from other nations, but also has legitimate—although bare minimum—starship facilities) will throw some cash to the state run mining consortium for a shipment to sell either to another country on Ruie, or more often off world to worlds outside the Imperium (occasionally a shipment makes it into the Marches).
Khyber’s rule is total and exacting. He takes what he wants regardless of what anyone thinks. The only thing stopping him from expanding his rule is the fact that the nations surrounding his own are their fairly stalwart security forces, which he is trying to subvert or otherwise compromise.
Khyber’s military forces are a patchwork of various weapons from a thousand worlds, and it’s amazing that he’s managed to keep other nations from invading his own territory, much less him planning some kind of takeover of one of his neighbors.
The IISS has contracted you via one of the local embassy’s with an IISS scout office staffed by three personnel, to infiltrate Khyber’s nation and get some evidence that he is planning a coup of another nation. His nation’s mining operation, though brutal in the extreme and highly inhuman (tired workers denied breaks, shot if complaining on being too tired or hungry, starvation of his people so he and his security can eat) is in fact a “legal” business, though many of Ruie’s nations refuse to do business with Khyber, and the Imperium itself has put sanctions on the nation and anyone dealing with the state mining company.
Khyber’s standard security personnel usually consists of a drab green uniformed male armed with an antiquated automatic rifle. There is no standard caliber for the percussion weapons, and equally so his men who have higher tech weapons are also not standardized. The more privileged soldier may be armored. More often the regular may only be wearing a t-shirt, sandals, shorts and an old battered shirt.
The streets are dirty, public works, other than some rudimentary water (unclean) and electricity are really the only facets of civilization. Khyber’s stronghold of a nation is anything but a paradise, and yet he is the most powerful warlord in the region, making him the authority to deal with.
Gaining evidence of his illegal trade and human rights abuses will add to the Imperium’s of rhetoric for nations interested in signing on with the Imperium as a regional protectorate.
Be cautious.
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