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Agent of the Imperium



Just came from B&N, and saw Marc Miller's book, Agent of the Imperium.

Did not get it, since I am already reading two different books at the moment. ;)

From looking inside and reading the back cover it is set in the 3rd Imperium.

A must buy, or pass?

First, Marc Miller gave us the Traveller Universe.
Second, he gave us Agent of the Imperium.

Getting a look at the Imperium through the eyes of it's creator is pretty cool. One thing I really liked about AotI was the vast possibilities of adventure in the OTU or any other Traveller setting. Another thing that really drew me in was his Character creation and Character growth within the story.

As a good read, I could see the influence of other authors mixed with Millers unique view of the 3rd Imperium brought together to keep me wondering where the story would go next. I'm really hoping for a sequel.

The only really down side I had reading AotI was the T4? & T5? influences to the story (I don't have those rule sets), as I came into Traveller with Classic Traveller 1980's version and came back later with T20. Other than that, it is a really good read. I would think that even a reader unfamiliar with Traveller and into Sci-Fi could still enjoy the story (that's how good I think it is).

On a side note, I followed the worlds travelled in the story on Traveller Map, which made the story a lot more fun, as I was able to see where things were happening in the book on the map at the same time.

Just came from B&N, and saw Marc Miller's book, Agent of the Imperium.

Did not get it, since I am already reading two different books at the moment. ;)

From looking inside and reading the back cover it is set in the 3rd Imperium.

A must buy, or pass?

It was a "can't put down" for me.