I can't remember. What is the big plastic bubble at the front supposed to be for?
Nicely done picture and model, but it does illustrate the craziness of the design (also, how ugly it is). Who thought that having the bridge in a huge, fragile, exposed bubble at the front of the ship would be a good idea? Also the rear turrets have half their field of fire blocked by the useless tail fin!
It's the "Flying Bridge" not the working bridge. It's the spot where the admirals go to star down at the planets they are supposed to protect...
It's the "Flying Bridge" not the working bridge. It's the spot where the admirals go to star down at the planets they are supposed to protect...
I guess people in the OTU are unfamiliar with the concept of using cameras and sensors?
That's pretty funny. I want some of whatever the artist was smoking.
I love the image Shonner. Can you post a view that shows the aft changes?
Nicely done picture and model, but it does illustrate the craziness of the design (also, how ugly it is). Who thought that having the bridge in a huge, fragile, exposed bubble at the front of the ship would be a good idea? Also the rear turrets have half their field of fire blocked by the useless tail fin!
.....I have always imagined that starships operate more like submarines, with everything happening from a control center in the belly of the ship. The traditional "wet ship" type bridge would be useless.....
What's you make this in?
Agreed, Mt multi role destroyer has been compared to a sub, but as I said she's meant to be atmo capable so she had to be streamlined.I've always held the opinion that starship designs, in general, should reflect layouts originating in submarines, a pressure hull is still a pressure hull whether resisting intense pressure of the deep oceans or the lack thereof in the vacuum of space.
The commercial freighters in Traveller should-do reflect such as do many naval vessels, pleasure craft, such as in real life, often are the exceptions to the rule.