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Aliens - INDEX Thread


Aliens for your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

Aliens for your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.
Traveller Aliens published by GDW.

I'm not going to list info on the Alien books as everyone knows what's in them.

Alien Module 1: Aslan

Alien Module 2: K'kree

Alien Module 3: Vargr

Alien Module 4: Zhodani

Alien Module 5: Droyne

Alien Module 6: Solomani

Alien Module 7: Hivers

Alien Module 8: Darrians
Traveller Aliens published by GDW.

I'm not going to list info on the Alien books as everyone knows what's in them.

Alien Module 1: Aslan

Alien Module 2: K'kree

Alien Module 3: Vargr

Alien Module 4: Zhodani

Alien Module 5: Droyne

Alien Module 6: Solomani

Alien Module 7: Hivers

Alien Module 8: Darrians
Pegasus published by Judges Guild

Pegasus is a gaming magazine published by Judges Guild. It ran for 12 issues, skipped and issue that was never published (#13), and two more issues were published 15 years later. Four of the issues can be downloaded for free from the Judges Guild web site (and they promise more to come) HERE.

Unfortunately, Traveller coverage was light, and these three aliens are all that appeared in the magazine during its entire run.

Pegasus #7

Two alien races are featured, both taken from novels written by science fiction author CJ Cherryh. The first is the Hani, seen in Cherryh's book The Pride of Chanur. The other, the Majat, is seen in Serpent's Reach.

Both aliens come with complete descriptions and rules for generating them as player characters.

Pegasus #9

Features a new race, the Necthrim (or "Trillen" in thier own language). They evolved on the planet Yeon in the Lesser Rift. Rules for character generation of these aliens provided.

This is an INDEX thread. Please help keep it clean of clutter by posting comments in a new thread.
Pegasus published by Judges Guild

Pegasus is a gaming magazine published by Judges Guild. It ran for 12 issues, skipped and issue that was never published (#13), and two more issues were published 15 years later. Four of the issues can be downloaded for free from the Judges Guild web site (and they promise more to come) HERE.

Unfortunately, Traveller coverage was light, and these three aliens are all that appeared in the magazine during its entire run.

Pegasus #7

Two alien races are featured, both taken from novels written by science fiction author CJ Cherryh. The first is the Hani, seen in Cherryh's book The Pride of Chanur. The other, the Majat, is seen in Serpent's Reach.

Both aliens come with complete descriptions and rules for generating them as player characters.

Pegasus #9

Features a new race, the Necthrim (or "Trillen" in thier own language). They evolved on the planet Yeon in the Lesser Rift. Rules for character generation of these aliens provided.

This is an INDEX thread. Please help keep it clean of clutter by posting comments in a new thread.
The Mahwrs in White Dwarf #34

Easily mistaken for an animal.

The Phulgk'k'k'k and The Gashruan in White Dwarf #47

Both of these completed detailed and stat-ed.

The Staurni in White Dwarf #57

Complete write-up on this interesting race you can add to your games.

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments in a new thread in order to keep this nice-n-tidy.
The Mahwrs in White Dwarf #34

Easily mistaken for an animal.

The Phulgk'k'k'k and The Gashruan in White Dwarf #47

Both of these completed detailed and stat-ed.

The Staurni in White Dwarf #57

Complete write-up on this interesting race you can add to your games.

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments in a new thread in order to keep this nice-n-tidy.
Dwarves: "Dwarves in Space" in Dragon #70 (written to take AD&D Dwarves into Traveller [~520 year life-span, adult at 60], but can be modified to be a "Gene-geneered" MHR [with a more normal life-span] specifically designed for ship and belt life).

Their reduced life support requirements allow smaller living spaces (.75X deck height, full floor space) and less food/water/air consumption (also .75X), thus reducing building costs of ships & habitats (and leaving more tonnage for other uses) and reducing re-supply needs.

Quaddies: from Lois McMaster Bujold's Falling Free... another "Gene-geneered" MHR, they have 4 arms and no legs (since legs are much less useful than arms in free-fall).

They were designed before the development of small artificial-gravity fields, and also have their entire circulatorily system adjusted for "Zero-G". They have severe problems in anything above 1/4G, and can die if in a gravity field of 3/4+G for an extended period.

Their life-support requirements are .5X food, air, & water, due to the lower exertion levels of Zero-G living. They need .65X living volume (.75X deck height, but use all surfaces for storage, equipment, etc.).

-2 str, -2 end, +2 dex, +1 int, +1 edu
normal arm/torso/head size, but weight is -10% due to arms being smaller than legs
most have musical or performance skills

Heavy-worlders: from Anne MacCaffery's books... another "Gene-geneered" MHR, they are much larger and stronger than normal humans.

They can easily live in 1.25-2 G environments, but have a shortened life-span (adult at 16, average ~80). They are normally muscular, with a low body fat level... males average 7'-8'6" and 280-380 lb, females average 6'6"-7'10" and 230-310 lb.

Their life-support requirements are 2.5X food (2X if primarily protien/meat) and 2X air & water. They need 1.5X living volume (1.25X both deck height and floor space).

+3 str, +3 end, -1 dex (no negative modifiers until 1.3G or greater), -2 soc (usually expected by "normals" to be mentally slow, and tend to be channelled into "brawn, no brain" careers and jobs)(they value strength and endurance over intelligence, and tend to be dismissive of "weaklings"... i.e. most other beings)

-1 for all physical tasks attempted in less than .25G (in addition to normal Zero-G DMs), -1 at most repair/tech skills (LARGE fingers)

The nice thing about "Gene-geneered" MHRs is that they are in addition to the official MHRs (since they are not planted by the Ancients, but are modern creations), and you can make as many as you want.

Treecats: from David Weber's "Honorverse" books.

Int: 5-7 (exceptional 8 or 9)*; Edu: variable, usually 2; Str: 2-3; Dex: 8-12; End: 4-6

Language skills possible, but lack vocal apparatus to form complex sounds so limited to comprehension of spoken languages... written/visual languages (such as signing) can be learned & used (with appropriate equipment as needed)

Length: .5-.75m body, 1-1.5m overall (males toward the large end)
Weight: 6-10 kg male, 5-8 kg female
6 limbs (2 hands, 2 hand/feet, 2 feet) + prehensile tail (full strength), 3 fingers/toes + 1 opposing thumb

Life-span: ~250 years (adult at 50, ageing from 150 in 10-year increments); bands on tail appear at ~20 years, add one per 5 years thereafter

Hits: 3D(2D)
Move: 2X
Claws: 1D+1 (2/4 attacks); Teeth: 1D+1

Carnivore (partial omnivore)
Arboreal (uses ground nearly as well)
Tech level: 0-1 (homeworld, native society)

*telepathic (own species); empathic (own species and most other satient species)... can form empathic bond with some humans (9+ int, strong moral sense), with an empathic range of 250m (long), and a direction sensing range of up to 50 km (very distant)... long-term bonding appears to enhance Int, and empathic transfer of emotions is somewhat common in long-term bonding

# all author's ideas used without permission, like most "home-brewed" fiction-to-game adaptations #
Dwarves: "Dwarves in Space" in Dragon #70 (written to take AD&D Dwarves into Traveller [~520 year life-span, adult at 60], but can be modified to be a "Gene-geneered" MHR [with a more normal life-span] specifically designed for ship and belt life).

Their reduced life support requirements allow smaller living spaces (.75X deck height, full floor space) and less food/water/air consumption (also .75X), thus reducing building costs of ships & habitats (and leaving more tonnage for other uses) and reducing re-supply needs.

Quaddies: from Lois McMaster Bujold's Falling Free... another "Gene-geneered" MHR, they have 4 arms and no legs (since legs are much less useful than arms in free-fall).

They were designed before the development of small artificial-gravity fields, and also have their entire circulatorily system adjusted for "Zero-G". They have severe problems in anything above 1/4G, and can die if in a gravity field of 3/4+G for an extended period.

Their life-support requirements are .5X food, air, & water, due to the lower exertion levels of Zero-G living. They need .65X living volume (.75X deck height, but use all surfaces for storage, equipment, etc.).

-2 str, -2 end, +2 dex, +1 int, +1 edu
normal arm/torso/head size, but weight is -10% due to arms being smaller than legs
most have musical or performance skills

Heavy-worlders: from Anne MacCaffery's books... another "Gene-geneered" MHR, they are much larger and stronger than normal humans.

They can easily live in 1.25-2 G environments, but have a shortened life-span (adult at 16, average ~80). They are normally muscular, with a low body fat level... males average 7'-8'6" and 280-380 lb, females average 6'6"-7'10" and 230-310 lb.

Their life-support requirements are 2.5X food (2X if primarily protien/meat) and 2X air & water. They need 1.5X living volume (1.25X both deck height and floor space).

+3 str, +3 end, -1 dex (no negative modifiers until 1.3G or greater), -2 soc (usually expected by "normals" to be mentally slow, and tend to be channelled into "brawn, no brain" careers and jobs)(they value strength and endurance over intelligence, and tend to be dismissive of "weaklings"... i.e. most other beings)

-1 for all physical tasks attempted in less than .25G (in addition to normal Zero-G DMs), -1 at most repair/tech skills (LARGE fingers)

The nice thing about "Gene-geneered" MHRs is that they are in addition to the official MHRs (since they are not planted by the Ancients, but are modern creations), and you can make as many as you want.

Treecats: from David Weber's "Honorverse" books.

Int: 5-7 (exceptional 8 or 9)*; Edu: variable, usually 2; Str: 2-3; Dex: 8-12; End: 4-6

Language skills possible, but lack vocal apparatus to form complex sounds so limited to comprehension of spoken languages... written/visual languages (such as signing) can be learned & used (with appropriate equipment as needed)

Length: .5-.75m body, 1-1.5m overall (males toward the large end)
Weight: 6-10 kg male, 5-8 kg female
6 limbs (2 hands, 2 hand/feet, 2 feet) + prehensile tail (full strength), 3 fingers/toes + 1 opposing thumb

Life-span: ~250 years (adult at 50, ageing from 150 in 10-year increments); bands on tail appear at ~20 years, add one per 5 years thereafter

Hits: 3D(2D)
Move: 2X
Claws: 1D+1 (2/4 attacks); Teeth: 1D+1

Carnivore (partial omnivore)
Arboreal (uses ground nearly as well)
Tech level: 0-1 (homeworld, native society)

*telepathic (own species); empathic (own species and most other satient species)... can form empathic bond with some humans (9+ int, strong moral sense), with an empathic range of 250m (long), and a direction sensing range of up to 50 km (very distant)... long-term bonding appears to enhance Int, and empathic transfer of emotions is somewhat common in long-term bonding

# all author's ideas used without permission, like most "home-brewed" fiction-to-game adaptations #