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General Alternative/Homebrew rulings for cybernetics


While reading through the CSC and Core rulebooks for MgT1/2, I've noticed that the lists of augments are somewhat lacking, both in consistency and number. You can pay 600 credits for one augment, and 5 Megacreds for another which might only provide a minor advantage. Additionally, they are balanced such that anyone with a decent budget and access to a good dealer can swiftly pass the boundaries of sane 2d6 modifiers, and stack up +4 or +5 modifiers on many skills.
I'm planning on running a campaign leaning into cybernetics, how have some of you homebrewed your own cybernetics and/or have altered rules to make them more balanced?
Hum. Loaded question...

Honestly, I have always kinda winged-it on this topic.

But, there have been several tries on this topic, MT in Traveller's Digest, TNE has some rules, Mongoose has several shots at the topic, as does T5 and of course CE has several examples as well. (Not for forget GT, which probably would be my goto for the topic as well as Psi).

In general you just need to fit them into the game you are playing, including your specific combat system... Meaning look at Snapshot and see how they would fit.

I am totally up to play this game, but the framework is important.
I adapt the CT rules for drugs and psionics to be available as implants.
These can be cybernetic, biomechanic, or full on organic augmentations depending on the world that does it and what the customer wants. Biogenetic modification is the ultimate - catch a cold and when you recover your DNA now contains lots of new abilities. It takes a little while for your body to then adapt to the new structures your DNA will grow. This includes changing sex and at TLs above Imperial norm changing species (within limits)