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An elite Merc unit from MTU


From an MT game I once ran, this unit became a fixture. Last contract was 1114, Regni Downport Security, 3 years. One Bn on starport duty at all times. Pays Regimental salaries only.... at standard, but plus profit sharing. Additional jobs taken for profit with other assets.

3076 Bounce Infantry Regiment, LIC

Duke Col. Sir Vladzimir Shushugliar, IMC, Ret, KDD, Commanding.

Col. Shushugliar: 50%
Duke of Regina: 5%
Duke of Marches:5%
Archduke of Deneb 5%
XO, 3076BIR: 5%
RSM, 3076BIR: 5%
Officers Trusteeship: 10% (Maj 3 shares, Cpt=2 shares, Lt=1share)
Enlisted Trusteeship: 10% (1Sgt=10 GySgt=9, SSgt=8, Sgt=7, Cpl=6, LCpl=5, Pvt=3 shares)
Trusteeship shares and XO shares are positional, not permanent. The noble ownership is to the fiefs, not the holders, and is entailed, payments forwarded.

100% battledress BD-14 w/grav belts, HUD, IR/LI/UV, automed.

Std arm: 4mm Gauss Rifle, Underbarrel SS 10cm RAM-GL, 2xFlechette, 2xHE, 5xTear-gass. AutoSnub Pistol, 3xTranq clips. Laser sights on both.
HW arm: 4mm Gauss Pistol (adapted to use rifle clips), FGMP14, AutoSnub.
Melee weapons: on duty: Pvt, LCpl=Truncheon; NCO, Officer=Cutlass

Standard Squad: Sgt, Cpl, LCpl, 2xPvt, 1xPvt-HW
Std Plt: Lt (2Lt or 1Lt), SSgt, LCpl-Commo, 3xSquad
Line Co: Cpt/Maj, Medic, GySgt, LCpl-Armorer, LCpl-Commo, LCpl-Clerk, Pvt-Armorer, Pvt-commo, Pvt-Cook, Pvt-Clerk, 3xStdPLT (1 w/1Lt, 2 w/2Lt)

Bn2, Bn3: 2Co, one with a Major, one w with a Cpt. 1Sgt, Cplx4 (Armorer, Commo, Clerk, Supply), 2x LCpl (Cook, Supply), 2xPvt-Supply

Bn1: 3 Co, one with LtCol, one w/Maj, 1 w/Cpt. 1Sgt, Cplx4 (Armorer, Commo, Clerk, Supply), 2x LCpl (Cook, Supply), 2xPvt-Supply

Bn4: 3 Co, 1 w/Maj, 2 w/Capt, otherwise same as Bn 1. Co C is trainees, and does not deploy.

Armor Squadron: 1 Armor Troop, 1 Support Troop, 1 Supply Troop
Armor Troop: 1xAstrin-E lance, 2xTrepida Lance
Support Troop: 1xAstrin-E Lance, 2x Astrin-mixed Lance
Supply Troop: 2xAstrin Cargo Lance
Each lance is 4 vehicles.
A mixed astrin lance includes 1 medical, 1 cooking, 1 ammo carrier, and 1 mobile shop variant.
An Astrin-E lance is 3x EW astrins, and 1x command astrin

HQ: CO, RSM, Supply Cpt (Grouzeh... Scrounging 4!), Spply SSgt, 4xLCpl (bodyguards, 3 for Col, 1 for RSM), Sgt x4 (Commo, Clerk, Armorer, Cook), Maj James Hooker (Admin), Maj Maggie Harper (Ops), Lt Squee (a Dolphin, PAO), Lt Abbubbupu (Legal Officer. Newt. Legal 5, former Oberlindes Purser)

Intel Office: Captain Bzzt. Lt Kakkumnak. 3x Sgt.

Duty: Battledress over office uniform
Office: White Polyester-GroatWool heavy long-sleeved crew-neck T-shirt, black matching trousers. Stenciled insignia. Zippered leather combat boots. Peaked cap in matching fabric.
Dress: Silk button-front mandarin collar long sleeved T w/ patch pocket and pocket flap, white, embroidered insignia, black silk trousers. Dress blades. Peaked cap in silk. same boots as office. Medals and other decorations affixed to pocket flap.
PT: white short sleeved T with rank stenciled, black shorts, black knee-hose, white flashes, athletic shoes.

Normal starport deployment:
Fire teams by squad deploy. Longarms slung over shoulder, Pistols holstered ready, truncheons cross-draw.

As of 001-1115, Bn 1 drop trained, Bn 2 training for drop, all NCO's (CPL+) drop trained.
Very cool Wil! If you don't mind, I think I will use them as an opposition force. I'm hoping my players prove capable enough and your Colonel Shushugliar comes to a bloody end or ... he may just escape to seek revenge later :)

I'll let you know. Again, great job!
Vlad Shushugliar himself is A9A8FF, marine Col, 6 terms, Vilani Line Purity +2.
Battle Dress 2, Persuasion 1, Instruction 2, Combat Rifleman 2, Leader 2, Tactics 2, LBld 3.
2 SEH, 2MCG, 5 CSR.

Yes, he's an MT Character...

If I didn't want them used, I wouldn't have posted them.

Note the atypical squad size... it makes them very undermanned, compared to the typical 8-12man squads, but being a reinforced regiment...

The astrin-E do not operate as a troop; they are attached to operations to provide EW support. The Supply astrins are used similarly, mostly as restrooms for deployed troops in hostile environs.
Just as a note, being familar with the TOE's of standard military units, is that the inf battalions look very light without and hvy/crew served wpns and/or indirect fire co's. Which is unusual considering they look like an armored infantry regt. .
They are modeled on a drop-marine mode; fire support comes from Transport.

Note that each squad has a can opener (aka FGMP).

Given the number of URGLs, man-portable arty is superfluous.

When the campaign ended, the unit was trying to get licensed for meson arty.

The unit relies almost entirely upon DF energy weapons for a reason... supply chain.
I do see the FGMP, I assumed it was a SAW type weapon. I don't know exactly what rules set you are using (CT is my Fav), but looking at the back of LBB4, they do list some heavy weapons for TL14 units such as a Fusion Y gun for ADA/direct fire support, Lt MRL's and they talk of Remote Piloted Drone Missiles. With this in mind you could add to the regt's OOB structure organically an ADA Fusion Y Gun Battery and a Missile Battery as extra battalions.

The Lt MRL looks particularly cool: 60kg 10km ROF 100!!! operated by a single crew member.
It wouldn't fit with their mission profile. The type of missions they go for are urban patrol or nail missions. In either case, arty are superfluous to their mission. They wanted the mesons for another squadron; they are not weapons that can be used on the drop.
Ok I admit I am ignorant right up front so bear with me for stupid question 451...

I have a lot of the LBBs and most MT stuff like referee and players guide. I have to assume an astrin is some type of grav APC/AFV?

Aramis, the composition of the force and the kit look uber. How do you encorporate this into your campaign? The players are a unit within it or leading it?
The astrin is the APC version of the Trepida. See DGP's 101 vehicles (for MT). I think it might also be in Rebellion Sourcebook

The 3076 BIR started out as a PC unit, Col Shushugliar was a PC. I actually borrowed some rules out of both CT B04 Mercenary and FASA's BT Mercenary's Handbook.... The unit grew in a mini-campaign... introducing a buddy's dad to RPGing via his fandom of wargames and of Heinlein.
I should put up my unit, Raven's Loyal Rifles, for comparison and advice. This seems like a good unit to face (and overwhelm!) them.
I should put up my unit, Raven's Loyal Rifles, for comparison and advice.

I'm interested, Jame. It might be interesting to see a number of merc units posted here for comparison and comment.

I have a pseudo-merc unit IMTU. (I say "pseudo-merc" because it is actually part of a regular planetary army but it rents out it's services like a merc unit as a way of gaining combat experience.) It's quite small: there are 4 independant Sabres (80 man units) specialised in urban guerrilla warefare. As such equipment is often ad-hoc smallarms. I'm thinking that, if handled right, they might make a suitable opponent for a counterinsurgency unit.

Check out the Yori Army and scroll down to Special Forces.
I'm interested, Jame. It might be interesting to see a number of merc units posted here for comparison and comment.

I have a pseudo-merc unit IMTU. (I say "pseudo-merc" because it is actually part of a regular planetary army but it rents out it's services like a merc unit as a way of gaining combat experience.) It's quite small: there are 4 independant Sabres (80 man units) specialised in urban guerrilla warefare. As such equipment is often ad-hoc smallarms. I'm thinking that, if handled right, they might make a suitable opponent for a counterinsurgency unit.

Check out the Yori Army and scroll down to Special Forces.

I have put the Ravens up here: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?p=348454#post348454. Comments are welcome, but keep in mind that mine was generated with the MGT Mercenary book (and I've got to put in a few more personalities, such as platoon leaders and sergeants).

I still say that Aramis's unit would be able to wipe the floor with the Ravens.
My Old Earth campaign guide for Terran Dawn (large PDF at website in my link below) has several military units detailed (Merc, Army, and Marine) if anyone is interested. You have to look in the appropriate section (Army, Navy for Marine, Mercenary) and there are a few example units, most Company sized. No stats, just notes on organization and equipment.

Edit: They are of course not for use in the official 3rd Imperium. But, I guess they could be used as a source of ideas on organization.
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I tried to make an org chart for the 3076 Bounce Infantry Regiment and came up with this:


Is that right?

(I know it's traditional to place unit size codes over the unit symbols themselves, but I've arranged them so units of the same size are level with each other and the size codes on on the left margin. Hope that makes sense.)
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You've got the lines wrong, except for CP's and HQ.
– is a fire-team; 3076 uses 3-man FT's! (FT A Sgt, LCpl, Pvt; FT B Cpl, HW, Pvt)
• is a squad or vehicle
•• is a section; the 3076 has only the HQ sections.
••• is a Platoon or a lance.
I is a company or Troop
II is a Battalion or Squadron
III is the regiment

(Check MT Ref's Comp, p10 for the armor equivalencies...)

Thus the Armor Sqdn is actually a 5th Bn.

The 4 Bn should be on the far right, separated by a dashed line, as it is not part fo the deployed regiment.

The Co CP is actually a section of several FT, and the Company HQ is a platoon.

The Armor Squadron should be a wagon wheel inside an armor oval.

The Supply Troop should be a wagon wheel, not the slash of scout/recon...

And every unit in the Armor Squadron should have the grav mobility line under the box.

The Intell office is a separate squad directly under the regimental command; it's independent of the HQ Plt.

So... you kicked me in the arse hard enough for me to do it to Company Level.


Ah, thanks Aramis. That makes more sense. I had got muddled on unit size, and missed the intel unit altogether. I don't usually bother noting the mobility aspect on charts (just counters) as 99% of Trav units are lift.

However, somewhere over the years I've confused recon and transportation and have been using the cavalry symbol for both. I'm going to have to go back and review all my charts now. (But the wagon wheel symbol for transport seems a bit archaic considering these are lift units.)
Considering that air transport uses a winged wheel... and traveller overlooks it...