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Andromeda as an alternate TNG Setting


Thread titl3 should say TNE, not TNG. Freudian slip on my part.

Recently been watching the tee-vee show Andromeda from a couple years back and it struck me that with a bit of tweaking, this would make an interesting alternate seeting for TNE.

Don't need the black hole, just have the character's ship hidden away, the PC's in low berths for the duration. Expand on the 1248 sourcebooks for the ship-AI's like Rommie in the show. Maybe have the Aslan take the role that the Nietschean's played in the show. Then send the characters off to try and re-build civilazation.

TNE goes Commonwealth

Yeah I see the point and agreed that there are some interesting opportunities for adventure. A lightning class caught in time... Could be good fun.
I did exactly that in my Banners Sector game. One of the PCs was the captain of the Lightning class cruiser Cause Rampant, the rest were salvage hunters who boarded the "wreck" finding the ship adrift. The ship had run into a Solomani warship and came off a bit the worst for wear and had misjumped to escape, the captain was injured sometime during this fight and placed in a low berth. What happened after is not clear, but the captain was the only crewman still on board the cruiser when the salvage hunters board her. The ships AI, based on the one in the original Book 1 Kinunir adventure (so perhaps not entirely stable) woke the captain before his low berth was "accidently" broken by the salvage hunters. At which point the game proper began.