Thread titl3 should say TNE, not TNG. Freudian slip on my part.
Recently been watching the tee-vee show Andromeda from a couple years back and it struck me that with a bit of tweaking, this would make an interesting alternate seeting for TNE.
Don't need the black hole, just have the character's ship hidden away, the PC's in low berths for the duration. Expand on the 1248 sourcebooks for the ship-AI's like Rommie in the show. Maybe have the Aslan take the role that the Nietschean's played in the show. Then send the characters off to try and re-build civilazation.
Recently been watching the tee-vee show Andromeda from a couple years back and it struck me that with a bit of tweaking, this would make an interesting alternate seeting for TNE.
Don't need the black hole, just have the character's ship hidden away, the PC's in low berths for the duration. Expand on the 1248 sourcebooks for the ship-AI's like Rommie in the show. Maybe have the Aslan take the role that the Nietschean's played in the show. Then send the characters off to try and re-build civilazation.