bryan gibson
Absent Friend
thanmks Rav, I won't turn down the compliment!My apologies if you have been asked this before, but could you briefly describe how you go about conceiving of, drawing and colouring your ships? They are beautiful.

Well, the trouble with questions like that is that intangibles are tough, but hgere goes.
Well, when it comes to conception, a few things come into play.
Form follows Function – the three “F”s. And, its pretty self-explanatory. What the ship ( or weapon, or item) is going to do reflects on its look. Also, issues of aliens come into play – hivers like doors that are short and squat (they don’t need tall ones) and don’t forget their manipulative digits – hands aren’t all the same, and it reflects in everything.
So, while this is all basic, it’s fundamental. The ideal spacecraft form in terms of efficiency is a ball/sphere, but….
The design should be visually pleasing or interesting- sure, NASA does it all bare bones, but I’m not NASA! The design must look believable yet cool, and while spheres make sense a universe full of flying basketballs is boring. This is where artist license comes into play.
Plus various aliens/polities have different looks- like the Trav OTU, or Praesidium, or star trek, or whatever, design philosophies differ, and are usually distinctive. This adds to the variety and interesting feel.
And, well…flip as it may sound, my process is - to be honest., I don’t think about it much - I just pull the images outta my head. Imagination, and all that.
As to the actually doing, or drawing of it – I generally draw by hand. My only concession is generally a straightedge, otherwise I freehand virtually all of my work. The line work is then watercolored – which most folks here haven’t seen, as the majority of my work is commissioned black and white.Since about 2003 I have been coloring more and more digitally, however.
I am something of a dinosaur in the digital age – I only started using Photoshop seriously about 18 months ago, and never got comfortable with it till recently. This is where I have colored most of my work in the last year or so, either there or, in the case of graphics I use Photoshop 7 or Illustrator 10. (not mad about CS)
Digitally, I am far from expert - Saarthuran seems to have mastered digital graphics to excellent effect, and Crow and others ( like Boulton, Mickizoid and otheres) have the whole three D rendering thing going, they are far better than I at digitals - so I just do it the old fashioned way.Its where I'm most comfortble.
So, that’s the short answer!