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Antimatter Starship appears in the Regina System


The starship has 250,000 displacement tons, it is a freighter, its markings indicate its a Third Imperium ship, it has a crew of around 50 humans, a very big problem is they are from a mirror universe made out of mirror matter (antimatter) in the universe they came from, they got a bad batch of jump fuel, and as a result they misjumped to this Universe made out of matter. Lucky thing for them however is they have 3D printers in their machine shop, their cargo contains antihydrogen but not enough to jump their 250,000 dton ship anywhere, but might be sufficient for a smaller starship if processed, they will have to abandon their freighter if they find a way to reverse the misjump and get back to their Universe, their ship orbits at the 100 diameter limit around the gas giant Regina orbits. What happens next?
Their ship being made of anti-matter comes in contact with matter almost immediately and there is an earth shattering kaboom that wipes out a big chunk of the subsector...
Actually, even in "vacuum", there will be particle-antiparticle interactions between the hull and the particles in the vacuum / stellar wind, resulting in a high gamma-radiation signature initially. This would be a giveaway to the crew that something is amiss.
Actually, even in "vacuum", there will be particle-antiparticle interactions between the hull and the particles in the vacuum / stellar wind, resulting in a high gamma-radiation signature initially. This would be a giveaway to the crew that something is amiss.

If they were within 1 AU of a sun like ours there would be so much in the solar wind hitting them that it would put the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center to shame.
If they were within 1 AU of a sun like ours there would be so much in the solar wind hitting them that it would put the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center to shame.
It would be quite radioactive with gamma rays, and might be lethal to the crew, unless the shielding is adequate.
As I recall, even Niven's General Products hulls, impervious to just about anything else, allowed photons through, but disintegrated when hit by antimatter in sufficient quantity. ("Flatlander", 1967)
Of course the big problem is that they communicate with anti-radio and anti-lasers, and anyone listening to the transmission gets their receivers fried.
Of course the big problem is that they communicate with anti-radio and anti-lasers, and anyone listening to the transmission gets their receivers fried.

Photons are their own antiparticle. A Photon and an Antiphoton are the same thing. So this should not be a problem.