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ANy word on the release date for the Player's Handbook?

Any word on the release date on the Players Handbook? I was thinking about giving myself an Early Christmas Present.
Evening slyen2, what Bhoins is referring to is a companion volume to "The Traveller's Handbook" (think referee's volume, that's the one you have).

"The Traveller's Guidebook for Player's" (if that's the title, working title last I knew) will be like the player's volume Plus!
It will have all the character generation stuff in one volume. Races, Classes, Prior History, Skills, Feats, Equipment and such, including some new ones Plus! the rules missing from "The Traveller's Handbook" to be able to run a game without some other d20 book. I think.
Evening slyen2, what Bhoins is referring to is a companion volume to "The Traveller's Handbook" (think referee's volume, that's the one you have).
Except the T20 Handbook is not really a Referee's Volume - because about half of it is going to be superceded by what's in the Guidebook, leaving Refs with about 200 pages of stuff that they don't need. And I've not heard anything about doing a separate updated Referee's book to address this point.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Except the T20 Handbook is not really a Referee's Volume - because about half of it is going to be superceded by what's in the Guidebook, leaving Refs with about 200 pages of stuff that they don't need. And I've not heard anything about doing a separate updated Referee's book to address this point.
A referees only book would be a great idea for a follow on to the player's guide.

You could possibly split even that up into a referee's guide to campaigns, animal encounters, world design etc., and have a separate book for the (expanded and fully integrated) design sequences - with more options of course ;)
Actually, the Guidebook kinda worries me:

First, all the talk of a revised CT makes me wonder if producing two systems for the same game is actually going to be a very effective strategy at all.

Second, the playtest for the Guidebook was very short, and people are still finding flaws in it on the playtest board. It clearly needs more time for people to go through it.

Third, it'd mean that GMs still have to get the T20 Corebook, when half of it is now redundant.
Worse than redundant. Some of the stuff in "The Traveller's Handbook" is (or will be when it comes out) invalidated.

I agree there needed to be more time to pick it apart. Apparently the little look-time we had on the moot boards was just a last minute vetting for obvious basic errors and it had already been through a larger playtest from what I understand. That said I'm disappointed by some of misses, not all just little stuff either. Not suprised, just sad. I gave up trying to make that point on the Moot board in the hope that the PTB would heed it, they don't seem to look there much if at all.
Well the THB is intended to be used with a D20 core book. Printing the Players Guide was supposed to get the "Core Rulebook" in house. Apparently the decision was made to improve the system while they were at it. Perhaps the release should be accompanied with THB 2.0. Or instead of a CT-R make it T20 2.0. But before release it does certainly appear to need some repairs still.
It'd be nice to hear something official about what was going on... particularly since I get the impression that the other settings books aren't coming out til after the Guidebook.

I think T20 needs a second edition from a design perspective, definitely - there are numerous things that need fixing in the chargen. But someone here (Mark Seifert?) said that he thought the D20 bubble had bust, and though I doubted him at the time I've lately been hearing things that seem to support that statement. So would a second edition of a d20 book actually go down well now? Or would it be better to do a Revised CT?
I personally like T20. I think it is a system worthy of support. I think the Starship combat needed a little more playtest at the larger starship level, so Destroyers armed with Meson Bays weren't the way to go, or the smallest Spinal Meson gun vaporizes the largest ship 52.5% of the time. But that, is my only real complaint.

It takes the flavor of CT, puts it all in one place, like MT did, gets you a Vehicle/Starship Design system that is consistent, works, and doesn't require computer software to turn out designs. (And is capable of just plugging in the CT ships.) And its biggest strength is that your character can advance. In CT, without a ton of good rolls, over long periods of time you can add a skill. Generally after a long campaign taking years of game time you still had the same character you started with with an additional skill level or 3. It gives the Character more long term goals than simply monetary. More Character motivation.

I know as a GM I am supposed to motivate my players to play the campaign, but without any real impact on their characters, players do get bored. Not saying that saving the Chirpers from the Evil Imperial Scientists isn't a good thing to do. Or saving the Free Trader Beowulf from Corsairs isn't a good thing. But what is the overall motivation of the campaign? To accumulate wealth? To Return from a long mission to bring back Battleship parts just in time to fight off a raid? Once you accomplish your goal now what?

I guess it is just me. After all I consider it a wasted day if I don't learn something.
I don't mind buying redundant information if it means they will be able to produce higher quality and more consistent books later on.
A players handbook/referees guide combo would be fine, assuming that it improved the game!

Just putting d20 core rules into the books (lets face it, most of use have a DnD core rules book or 3 at the house if we're playing T20) is not a good reason to try to sell me two more >$40 books.

Make the game better, then I'll buy. Fix the inconsistencies, the typos, the mediocre mechanics that plague the system here and there, and I'm in. Don't just print the d20 core rules in the midst of the t20 rules that already exist.
There's quite a lot of new stuff in the player's book - and you can find that out by joining the Moot and getting a look at all the stuff in playtest ;)
Originally posted by far-trader:
Some of the stuff in "The Traveller's Handbook" is (or will be when it comes out) invalidated.
This has already begun to happen :(

[minor nitpick]The vehicle guide redefines how vl scales with dt and introduces a lot more options for vehicle design not found in the core rules, the latter being a good thing IMHO ;)

The redefined vl should be written into the T20 errata section.[/minor nitpick]
I just posted some revamped files for character generation. I (and others!) weren't happy with how character generation flowed. If you are a Moot subscriber you can access the updated files in the Traveller's Guidebook file area.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by far-trader:
Some of the stuff in "The Traveller's Handbook" is (or will be when it comes out) invalidated.
This has already begun to happen :(

[minor nitpick]The vehicle guide redefines how vl scales with dt and introduces a lot more options for vehicle design not found in the core rules, the latter being a good thing IMHO ;)

The redefined vl should be written into the T20 errata section.[/minor nitpick]
</font>[/QUOTE]Though I personally am not sure the revised vl to DTon in the vehicle guides is the better choice of the two. I do agree that one of the two needs to be removed from the rules though.
Thanks, this was the link that I was looking for. But doesn't bundled epics refer to dead tree versions of the epics produced thus far? Are we still on track for the May release?