Archdukes and emperors are beyond the normal scope of play. Agree or disagree?
That's why I've long been of the opinion that the normal character generation system ought to stop short of generating generals, admirals, planetaty royalty, etc. And WELL short of generating Imperial nobles.Agree anyone that high up the social ladder will be in the public eye too much to get away with most of the things my players would want to do. Though a highly placed court member makes a good "string puller" especially if they are so high up they are practically untouchable!
Agreed. It's perfectly possible to run a campaign involving members of high society or even very high society. But they wouldn't be running free traders or mercenary squads.agree, but only because you put the word "normal" in there.
That's why I've long been of the opinion that the normal character generation system ought to stop short of generating generals, admirals, planetaty royalty, etc. And WELL short of generating Imperial nobles.
Archdukes and emperors are beyond the normal scope of play. Agree or disagree?
I guess I should have keyed more on the word "normal" but I don't see any reason why a game can't be run at that social strata.
Imperial Nobles hold the Imperial Mandate for their world/system/county/dutchy. Playing at that level would make the US President look like a town councilor.
Depends on what you consider normal. Based on some of the stories the players have told here, to me it seems like a lot of people want the big high-profile drama session; i.e. save the Imperium and/or galaxy kind of stuff.
The problem with "that social strata" is the very limiting % population there is at that level, and the enormaty of the power base and influance that they hold.
Imperial Nobles hold the Imperial Mandate for their world/system/county/dutchy. Playing at that level would make the US President look like a town counciler.
Becomming a Knight in the Imperium is a "Big Thing" as you become part of the Imperial fabric and command the attention and the ear of the Imperial armed forces.
SOC is a very under used and appreciated attribute.
Best regards,
So, in a sense the best way to RP a noble is to just wargame; i.e. "I'm moving my ships here on this hexagonal map wargame from the 70s/80s" kind of thing.The problems start when you consider how these nobels would function they are unlikely to take action on a personnal level but instead act through agents or navy/military units therefore roleplaying an archduke would require playing his agents as npc's better surely to have the noble as a supporting patron for the players character working behind the scenes pulling a few strings to ensure equipment is available or red tape dissolves!
Traveller is meant to be played in the gutter and on the sidewalk not in mansions and parade grounds......