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Arrival Vengeance adventure log


I mentioned in the MT forum that I'm running Arrival Vengeance, and there were requests for updates on how it went. So...here we go. This is MT setting with MgT2 rules.

I've got four players, with 11 characters between them. Three players brought their characters from my 1105 campaign forward, marked with *.

Senior ship crew:
  • (player A) Captain Alex Diguli, ship captain
  • (M) Commander Biff Tanner, XO

Diplomatic staff:
  • (*J) Baron Hero Yamamoto, head of diplomatic mission
  • Hero, having been through HighNDry, adopted Kimbley. Kimbley's grandchild is her trained companion and protector.
  • (J) "Edge", female Aslan secretary/bodyguard of Baron Hero
  • (P) Jacob Rowe, Seldrian's aide, secret psionic sent by Branj. Seldrian is the only person who knows he's psionic.
  • (*A) Dame Violet Marzta, diplomatic advisor for Aslan affairs.

  • (P) Squad leader, Gunnery Sergeant Talen Jackson
  • (J) Squad sniper, Sergeant John "The Professor" Kellerson
  • (M) Squad member, Lance Sergeant Janice "Crackle" Anders
  • (A) Squad member, Lance Sergeant River Talor

  • (*P) Sir Question, Vargr Scout and ace pilot with INT 3, assigned as fighter pilot.

Hero and Jacob are both aware of Seldrian's identity, and have been told not to tell anyone. The other two players are not aware, and have been told just that Seldrian is Norris's agent on board. They failed their rolls to recognize her, and not by a small amount.

First play session summary in the next post.
Note: further messages in this thread will include Arrival Vengeance spoilers.

Stop 1: Youghal

They board, get a quick tour, and jump to Youghal. They've got a week for everyone to get to know each other. Hero spends the week exploring the whole ship with a goal of meeting everyone on board, with Jacob accompanying her.

They arrive at Youghal to test the fuel scoops. The fighter squadrons take up the high guard position. While the Vengeance is deep enough in the gas giant's atmosphere that they can't easily communicate, the fighters pick up something odd inbound, with a Zhodani type of signature. Four fighters (including Question) are sent off to investigate. They find an abandoned Zhodani ship on a long orbit, with what looks like an explosion near its jump drive. Question, being Question (INT 3), goes on board to investigate.

Meanwhile, onboard the Vengeance, a seal starts leaking, allowing hydrogen gas into a cargo bay. A repair crew attempts to patch, but their first two attempts fail and only barely keep from creating a catastrophic sparks. They give one more try before just pulling all the atmosphere from that bay and hoping the contents aren't damaged too badly, and it succeeds.

The Vengeance comes up and gets in tight-beam communication with the fighters. Question gets enough power up to turn on the computer, and is guided through a data dump; turns out it was a scout during the Fifth Frontier War. Its jump drive overloaded while it was preparing to jump out, and the crew was stuck for a bit until a sibling ship arrived. The entire crew boarded the sibling ship and tried to drop the scout into the gas giant; apparently the sibling ship jumping out disturbed the derelict's course and it went into a long, elliptical orbit that it is just coming back from.

This led to a dilemma. They're not supposed to communicate with anyone in the Domain of Deneb, so they can't tell Youghal control about this navigation hazard. They also can't just leave it. After much debate, they decide their best course of action is to push it so it will fall into the gas giant as the Zhodani planned, and then provide the data dump to Naval Intelligence when they return.

One last incident, a poorly-grounded part of the hull fried a vacc suit while they were inspecting. Question got a partial fix on the vacc suit, and a fuel shuttle in the area did the pickup. Jacob tried out his psionic abilities by performing clairvoyance on the hull area in question.

They watched the Zhodani ship sink below the surface of the gas giant as the fuel processors ran, then jumped out toward the edge of the Domain.
Part 2: Hliyh

They uneventfully make it out of Domain space, and go to Hliyh/Trojan Reach to negotiate for passage through Aslan space to Daibei.

The Lakht Aorlakht agrees to send a negotiator, and offers the crew shore leave while the negotiator is prepared. Several characters, including the Aslan experts, get a tour of the world, including a visit to a museum about the world's enslavement under the Glorious Empire, a unified school for Human and Aslan children, and watching a ritual duel.

A reception is held in the lounge area of the Vengeance, with about 30 Imperials and 30 Aslan. All non-Marine PCs are present.

Some of the younger Aslan males start making disparaging remarks about Imperials near Violet. She ignores them, so they get a bit louder. Edge hears them this time, and sees Question nearby. Question knows enough about Aslan (due to his character history and our 1105 adventures) that she can send him in their direction without him realizing he's being used for this. He hears their comments and responds with the appropriate Aslan ritual challenges, which makes the Aslan males back down quickly - they wanted to stir up trouble, not get into a real duel with a grizzled, dangerous, and not-too-bright Vargr. Question is redirected toward the appetizers, and things calm down.

As the meal is brought out, a member of the Aslan entourage challenges the lead Aslan envoy to a duel to the death. The Aslan experts realize that they need to stay out of this and not interfere, and convince the captain to tell everyone to stand down. The duel goes back and forth a bit, but the challenger seems to have a slight advantage. Jacob tries a psionic Suggestion on the challenger to make him vulnerable, which fails; a second attempt misses by one, which I took as enough to make the target freeze for a second. It's enough, and the challenger goes down.

Finally, time to negotiate. The players are supposed to trade settlement on up to 7 Domain worlds for their passage. To manage this, I found 7 worlds that were marked as having no Aslan in 1117 and having significant Aslan populations in 1200 (from Regency Sourcebook). Each of these was given a quota and a description of why the Aslan would want it. I then kept a table of how many settlers would be worth one 'point', and a target point total they'd need to meet, based on the results of their Diplomat rolls. It took a few rounds of negotiation, and dropping 1.25 million Aslan on Mertactor, but they found an agreement that everyone liked.

We may end up taking next week off; I expect us to get through Craig and maybe all the way to Margaret in the next session.
... and there were requests for updates on how it went. So...here we go.

I made one of those requests so thanks for posting this and future updates. I have wanted to run this module since I first found it and these notes will help if I ever get the chance.
I made one of those requests so thanks for posting this and future updates. I have wanted to run this module since I first found it and these notes will help if I ever get the chance.

Once we finish the adventure, I'll make my Google Docs folder of notes available if there's interest. It fills in some details, provides names of important shipboard officers and other useful people, has briefings for each of the groups they're negotiating with, etc.

So, one issue I'm running into, which I suspect others here might not have: this adventure works much better for players who have already been steeped in the setting. My players are mostly new to Traveller, and have no experience with the overarching storylines or any of the major financial/political players. "Tukera Lines" doesn't mean anything to them in particular.

Also, I slacked a bit on preparation this time, and it bit me. What I've ended up doing is basically rewriting each section to make it more linear and integrate how the PCs fit in - the organization of each section in the book is a selection of sub-scenarios and a section of background facts. I was bored and tired when I got to preparing for the Margaret section, decided I could just run straight out of the book, and some chunks got missed.
So, we got back into it yesterday afternoon, and got through two rounds of negotiations and one no-win situation.

Part 3: Duke Craig of Daibei

We skipped over the trip through Aslan space. They arrived in Imperial space in Reaver's Deep sector and were escorted to Warinir. Word of their arrival preceded them due to time spent in resupply, and they were already the news item of the year. University protestors were up in arms at the idea that Archduke Norris was annexing the Federation. Craig sent a message up that he was looking forward to meeting the crew and diplomatic team, but couldn't fit them into his schedule until after an upcoming open house with the protestors. It would, however, be appreciated if the Vengeance could send some representatives to the open house. Meanwhile, the crew was offered shore leave, with the caveat that they should probably avoid the university.

On the way down, the Marines met up with a Vegan and some dolphins, and talked about about the issues with the Solomani pressing to rimward. On shore leave, everybody loved the Deneb crew, and they weren't buying many of their own drinks.

Security at the university was present but not particularly uptight. The diplomatic team (Hero and Kimbley, Edge, Seldrian, Jacob, and the captain and XO) met Craig and his people briefly before it was time to go on stage.

I had them make Recon rolls to spot the assassin trying to kill Craig - the only one who rolled at all decently was Kimbley, the 'dog'. So Kimbley looked over toward there and growled a bit, which was enough to get Edge looking in the right direction. Edge saw 'dude with something that might be a weapon' and shouted, "Down!" Jacob did a surface-thought scan, saw what the assassin was planning, and helped get Craig down. Assassin fired too quickly, shot went wild, and security caught him as he tried to escape.

As this was all being shown live planetwide, the entire planet got to see an Aslan saving the beloved Duke Craig from an assassin. The Vengeance crew didn't have to buy another drink for the rest of their stay.

Craig, regretfully, had to put off their meeting for a couple more days due to the latest mess, but asked them to talk to Professor Kuligaan. Kuligaan told them about the Black War that had begun, and how it would be immoral to let the Third Imperium be rebuilt now.

Finally, formal meeting with Craig and his leading nobles. Discussion followed, and intention to build diplomatic communication channels with Deneb, but no alliance and certainly no rebuilding the Imperium. With that, the Vengeance headed toward Delphi.
Part 4: Welcome to Hard Times

As the Vengeance is refueling at a gas giant outside of Margaret's territory, a Tukera-affiliated subsidized merchant sends them an SOS/Signal GK message, begging for protection from the inbound pirates, claiming they're carrying refugees. A scan finds a Broadsword-class mercenary cruiser and a Suleiman-class scout inbound. The captain of the sub asks the Vengeance to fire on the pirates before they can possibly get in range to harm them, as one hit will kill all the refugees.

Investigation finds that, yes, there's tons of refugees onboard the sub. The mercenaries hail the Lightning, claiming the sub. The sub captain mentions that the refugees all have long-term indenture contracts waiting for them when they get into Margaret's' space. Discussion finds that these are 20-year contracts to "repay" Tukera for their passage away from the Wilds, including for the children. The mercenary captain notes that these contracts frequently get extended to a life term, and offers to resettle the refugees on a nearby world that is part of the area the mercenaries are contracted to protect.

Hero goes to talk to the refugees themselves to find out what they know and what they want. They are aware of the long-term contracts, they are aware that these contracts are likely to be extended beyond 20 years, and...they're okay with that. This gets them somewhere safe, with protection from one of the major powers and one of the megacorporations.

Much discussion follows. Eventually, the captain makes the decision to let the merchant go. The mercenary captain grudgingly accepts this, saying he intends to continue working for those who may not have contracts protecting them. He is encouraged to do so.

With a heavier heart, the Vengeance continues toward Margaret's stronghold.
Part 5: Let Them Eat Cake (or, Visiting Margaret)

Fortunately, Margaret has been on a tour of what she's now calling her Domain, so the Vengeance doesn't have to go all the way in to Anaxias to find her. They meet up on Zukhimie.

The initial briefing I gave them said that (according to the best knowledge in Deneb when they left) Margaret was likely to be amenable to an agreement, as she was fairly moderate and stable. A note at the bottom from the diplomatic team's Imperial Politics expert notes that this may be out of date, as IRIS's support of her seems to have gone to her head.

Margaret is pleased that representatives from the opposite corner of the Imperium have come to pay court to her. Mention of the incident with the "slavers" causes her to give the PCs a funny look and comment that clearly those who don't work don't get to eat. One of the local planetary leaders starts yelling at this point, only to get firmly escorted out by IRIS security. The phrase "Let them eat cake" is tossed around by the players.

Jacob attempts to psionically scan her, only to find a shield. I've decided that the 'unobtrusive' psionic shields from the Darrian Alien Module are known to the Imperium and used by, at minimum, the faction leaders.

A visit to pre-meet with Margaret almost gets the characters caught in the middle of a riot as a protest by veterans turns violent. They escape into the building, and run into Margaret and her twin children, Paulo and Julia. She blithely tells them that Julia is Strephon's daughter, causing much head-shaking.

The PCs decide they want to hear from the leader who was kicked out of the reception earlier. They send one of the diplomatic aides, escorted by a couple Marines, to go visit his arcology on a different island. At the transport terminal, they are met by IRIS security agents who inform them that this trip will not be allowed. The XO, monitoring the situation, sends one of the Scout S3 agents to go make contact instead. (I forgot to follow up on this before the end of the session; I'll fill the players in next session, but basically the leader will say that production requirements keep going up and supplies keep going down, and his people are getting restless.)

Finally, the formal diplomatic meeting with Margaret. She seems mostly interested in having Norris recognize her as the rightful Empress and have Deneb become part of her new Imperium. The diplomatic party grins and nods and says they don't have the authority to do that but they'll make appropriate recommendations to Norris.

We're taking next week off (finals week for the XO's player), and possibly the week after (Memorial Day weekend). Updates after the next session, whenever it is. I'm estimating two more sessions at our current rate - transit through Lucan's territory next session, which will take longer because there will be actual combat, and the meeting with "Strephon" and return to Deneb to wrap it up.
Sorry about the delay - we ended up taking two weeks off, and then I didn't get posts up last week.

Next on the itinerary: Lucan's Imperium. There was no desire to go visit Lucan himself, as the odds that they could make it that far without getting commandeered seemed low, but they wanted to see what the situation was.

They stopped at Cadion, on the fringe of Lucan's space, and found a shattered naval base, a world that had held billions of people reduced to tens of thousands, and a Gionetti (SEH) class cruiser in orbit with her power plant completely cold.

The captain and XO went down to visit the base commander as a courtesy visit. He offered the crew shore leave, and was busy dealing with various fires, largely involving brawls and 'the payroll situation'. Turns out that due to some mistake, the base staff hadn't been paid in two months. Also turns out that the cruiser's crew got three extra months of salary by accident, and their power plant is dead so they're on leave until new orders arrive. They're running out of room in the brig for all the people busted in bar brawls.

The Marines (and Question) went into a local bar. Some extremely drunk crew of the cruiser were looking for a fight, and intended to get one. They made bad jokes and insulted the Marines, blaming them or others of their service for putting the corrosive in their power plant's coolant system. When words weren't enough, one threw a bottle at The Professor (DEX12, Athletics(DEX)-2). He caught it and set it on the bar. Undeterred, another threw one at Question (DEX-15, Athletics(DEX)-1). He caught it and threw it back in the thrower's face.

I asked at this point if they wanted to roll combat for the brawl or take it as read. They decided to take it as read, and the XO bailed them out of the brig they were taken to when base security arrived.

A message arrived, ordering the captain and XO to report to the base commander's office. Being wary, they brought along some marines as backup. The base commander was confused about them being there, but things were explained when the base political officer arrives. He handed the captain an Imperial Warrant allowing him to take command of the Vengeance. When he threatened to impound it until they obey, the base commander laughed and pointed out that the ship had more guns than anything else on the planet put together. The colonel stalked off and the Vengeance began working on fueling up as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, with no gas giant, they can only refuel via the fuel shuttles to the planet's ocean.

Hero, going through the city with her bodyguards, was asked for help by a refugee. They were led to the shantytown containing refugees promised passage into the safe areas, who've been waiting there for years. Hero ponders what can be done to help, and draws on their past as a magician - they do a benefit show for the refugees, charging the cruiser crew as much as they can. Hero, finally, for the first time ever, rolled well on a magic show, and pulled it off successfully.

As they were getting ready to leave, a woman sat across from Violet at lunch. She explained that she worked for the Brothers of Varian, and had been responsible for the payroll messes and the corrosive in the power plant. She suggested that the Vengeance leave before a squadron of missile cruisers arrived in a few days. The Vengeance headed outbound shortly thereafter.
Part the next: in which the players take the bit in their teeth

From there, they went to Ferot, one jump away. While refueling at the gas giant, two 3000-ton destroyers demand that the Vengeance surrender. A modular cutter leaves each, heading toward the Vengeance. Commander Burkhart, on one of them, claims to be requesting political asylum. Sensors show about 30 humans on board each cutter, with multiple power sources.

Much debate among the players, trying to decide if this is on the up-and-up. Jacob tries clairvoyance, and gets an image of Marines in battle dress on the cutter. He tells Seldrian, Seldrian tells Hero (who was already arguing that this is a trap), and the captain decides to fire on the cutters. The destroyers fire on the Vengeance; the Vengeance fires her spinal mount at one destroyer, almost crippling it. The destroyers head away, spouting invective the whole way.

This had been planned as a chance for the Marines to fight a bit, defending the Vengeance, but I'd apparently made my players too paranoid.

We ended the session there, with intent to give the Marines some real action and finish up the campaign in one last session.
So, final session this past weekend. There was some divergence from the adventure here. First, the Hard Times encounters were getting really depressing. Second, the Marines hadn't gotten to do much of anything so far. A decision was made to fix both of those.

The civil war on Halthorne was skimmed over, as was the fuel-shuttle accident at Higashi. The meson gun attack in Kamurinmur was skipped entirely.

A world that was in the records as a low-population, low-tech world was found with a massive military complex on it...or, rather, the remains of one. The Marine commander suggested that it would be a good place to investigate to find out what had happened during the war. A platoon (12 Marines) would be sent down, with a half-dozen Naval engineers to get the computers up and going. They chose a loadout, leaving the fusion guns behind because the Navy vacc suits wouldn't protect the engineers against the radiation. Instead, they brought laser rifles and gauss rifles, and the sniper brought a heavy laser rifle and a gauss sniper rifle.

I shifted the scenario as given quite a bit here, because I couldn't see any way the provided scenario would be anything but a turkey shoot. (Marines in battle dress vs. soldiers in combat armor with laser rifles...that are practically incapable of penetrating battle dress. Especially with a G/Carrier and a squadron of Rampart fighters overhead to support the marines.)

So, I kinda went overboard here, trying to give them some actual challenge. I still didn't ramp it up enough, but there was actual threat in spots.

I borrowed my son's wet-erase dungeon tiles and set up a small dungeon...er, underground bunker...for them to investigate. Printed up Cardboard Heroes for everyone, and set up the Marines and Navy, and Dulinor's army forces.

They entered a hangar with some low spraycrete walls that had been damaged and repaired, two shattered fighters, and everything else of value stripped. A bit of exploration found them a shut-down computer room, which the Naval crew were able to get powered enough to extract data.

While the "ducks" (the players decided the Navy was following them around like ducklings) worked on the computer, a report came in from outside - some hostiles, nothing the G/Carriers couldn't handle.

The squad stationed out in the hallway came under fire - troops in combat armor with laser rifles and thermal smoke grenades. This was intended to give the players experience with the combat system with little to no threat. (The only time they'd gotten into combat in the 1105 campaign, the Aslan that tried to jump Question found out just what a shotgun does at short range. Said Aslan ended up one point away from death after one shot.)

The marines in the hall drove off the troops, then lined up to head back out when the ducklings finished their job.

In the hangar, there were 16 soldiers in combat armor with laser rifles and frag grenades, 3 in ceramic powered plate with gauss rifles, and one leader in TL13 battle dress with a PGMP-13. Most were behind spraycrete cover; those who weren't were firing from the side rooms or from behind the fighters.

The marine squad leader, who carried two static axes, charged in first. He ran over to the nearer side room and discovered just what static axes do to combat armor when the wielder has an effective STR of 15. (Basically: dropping one person per round, plus more if they tried to run - opportunity attacks in MgT2 are brutal.)

Everyone else saw the guy in battle dress with a plasma gun, and made him target number one. He got off one shot, barely missing because the character dodged, before the sniper put him down.

Squads 1 and 2 advanced in, leaving squad 3 to guard the ducklings. It wasn't quite a turkey shoot - one soldier in squad 2 ran out of END due to a lucky hit from a frag grenade, some gauss rifle shots penetrated armor, even one or two laser rifle shots got through - but once the guy in battle dress went down it was a foregone conclusion. However, to get it over with, the demolitions expert went forward with a complex chemical charge, set it off, and ran. Everybody else recognized it and backed off, mostly hiding in corners behind the fighters; those who could dragged their fellows out of the blast radius. The only person left in the blast radius at the end was...the enemy commander, bleeding out in his battle dress.

After 3 rounds, the blast went off. And...the commander survived due to a horribly low damage roll. The fighters got thrown together into the crowd of people hiding behind them. The remaining soldiers decided they were done with this and hid.

The data retrieved gave them some intel on how the war had progressed in this boundary area between Dulinor, Lucan, and Strephon, and indicated that Dulinor was probably planning one final push.

Combat desires sated, it was time for the last stop on the itinerary: "Strephon".
(Sorry about the delays. Been busy here.)

One final stop on the itinerary: "Strephon". Their resident expert on Capital politics says he's fairly sure this isn't really Strephon.

They arrive at Usdiki and announce themselves. The diplomats and senior crew are summoned to an audience to present their credentials. Hero hands over the letter that Norris gave them; he reads it, smirks and asks "Archduke?" with a bit of amusement, and then asks them about the trip. They tell him about the deal with the Aslan, the hard work of Duke Craig (he's pleased), and Margaret's claim that her daughter is his.

He's livid. He breaks off the audience, apologizing, and walks off muttering something about Iolanthe. The resident expert is awed, and says, yes, that certainly seemed like the Strephon he met once, before the Rebellion.

Jacob does some quick scans to see what he can find. Strephon doesn't show up via 'life detection', indicating a psionic shield of some sort; Jacob pokes at his shield to see if he can tell if it's innate or mechanical. No reaction, so probably mechanical.

On the way out, Jacob is asked to step aside by a Colonel in Strephon's guards. Seldrian accompanies him, so Hero follows, bringing Edge and Kimbley. The Colonel demands to know if Jacob is loyal to the Zhodani, and where he got his psionic training. (Hero and Edge had not previously known he was psionic, although their player did, and they had suspicions.) Jacob says he works for Norris's people, and was trained on Regina. The colonel asks him to open his shields to confirm. Jacob nods and opens his shields. The colonel looks for a second, then smiles and agrees that Jacob can be trusted, and wants to talk shop with him.

The senior crew and diplomats receive an invitation to an informal reception at the estate of the Marquis of Usdiki. The political advisor explains that the Marquis of Usdiki is the Emperor, a request from the Emperor is a command, and that if the Emperor is telling you he's the Marquis, treat him like the Marquis. The relevant people arrive for the reception, including Question.

The Marquis arrives, with an 8-year-old boy. The boy and Strephon talk a bit, and then the two of them make a beeline for Hero. Strephon recognizes Kimbley as a Tensher's wolf; the boy asks if he can pet her. Strephon chats with Hero for a bit about the Domain of Deneb, asking how things are going with the Zhodani, Aslan, and Vargr, along with whether Norris has gotten married yet. After a bit of a talk, Strephon goes off to talk to more people, and the boy reluctantly leaves Kimbley behind.

Strephon meets up with Question at the buffet (of course) and asks him about his MCG. He finds the captain and asks her about the trip through Lucan's territory, becoming visibly upset as he hears how bad things are getting there.

Later, having had a couple more drinks, he explains (in first person) how "the Emperor" came to be here, and about the clones his father had made for him - how disturbing he found them. The boy, Avery, pulls Seldrian away (with Edge in tow) to look at something. As she leaves, Strephon comments that Norris had the right idea - she's clearly _not_ him.

A naval liaison officer contacts the XO about the trip across the rift, introducing him to a senior scout. Unfortunately, they don't have any good suggestions right now. As the liaison officer and XO share a drink, the officer comments that she isn't sure why Strephon isn't going with them - he's not doing much here, they'd probably believe him in Deneb, and he'd be safer there. Before the XO could do much more than grunt agreement, the scout returned with news - records of a comet in the middle of the rift. They'll need fuel tanker support to get across one jump-6 stretch, but the Vengeance can make it the rest of the way on her own...if the comet's really there.

Strephon's physician contacts Jacob, asking to meet. After running him around a bit to make sure he isn't being tailed, they meet in a back room of a small cafe. The physician says that he is absolutely certain that Strephon is legitimate - he's done medical scans, and he's clearly human, and he knows the trigger phrases to activate the identification routines in the clones. Strephon doesn't react to them. He gives copies of this information to Jacob, who was recommended to him by the colonel in security as somebody who was absolutely trustworthy. He feels Strephon should use this proof to reclaim the Imperium, but Strephon has sworn him to secrecy. Jacob scans him - he is completely sincere in his offer.

Strephone approves the tanker support, and it's time for the Vengeance to go home. He asks for one last audience to send them off. He goes along the lines, shaking hands with all of them. He slips a holocrystal into Hero's hand, whispering, "Tell Norris I'm sorry." He pauses when he reaches the captain, as if seeing the Vengeance's crest (with the words "Shall Not Perish") for the first time. He haltingly makes a comment, calling back to Lincoln, about how government for the people, of the people, and by the people shall not perish, and continues along the line. The XO notes that there are tears in his eyes.

As they're boarding the shuttle, the doctor comes up with the boy. He is Avery, and the Emperor has asked that they take him to Deneb. Seldrian accepts before anybody else can comment.

Avery explores the ship with Seldrian and Kimbley as they travel. He likes dogs and spaceships. (When I was told that Kimbley was coming along, and that the book says he likes dogs...I know better than to fight fate.)

One last post to come - return to Deneb.
Return to Deneb

The tankers get them one parsec into the rift and refuel them, then head back. That's enough to get them across. The comet is just where Strephon's people said.

They return to Trin, which goes to full alert at their return. Seldrian gives the captain Argon Blue-level codes to transmit, and they go into a docking orbit. The captain and XO bring over a sealed envelope that Seldrian gave them, which they give to the admiral in charge. Inside are a voucher for use of the ship, and a letter of apology, both signed by Norris. The Vengeance is refueled and sent off to Mora.

Norris greets them there, welcoming the crew home before sending them off for debriefing. All crew receive three years back pay, plus promotions and their choice of assignments. Senior crew are knighted into the Order of Deneb. Strephon sent along a patent of nobility for Hero, raising them to Marquis. Edge and Violet are named baronets.

Hero gave Avery a Tensher's wolf of his own, one of Kimbley's siblings.

They get front-row seats for the speech Norris gives about how the Imperium cannot save the Domain, and the Domain cannot save the Imperium. They must chart their own course.

They are also present for the decommissioning of the Vengeance as she takes her place as Norris's symbolic flagship.

Final commentary:

We raced through this, touching on the high points. This could easily be a years-long campaign if there was interest. That said, even at the pace we went, there's a lot to this adventure. I think it would have worked better if the players had been more invested in the Imperium before play - I had to explain a lot of things that an experienced Traveller player would have known up-front, like the significance of Tukera Lines or even Norris.

It's very railroady in spots. There was very, very little dice rolling - probably no more than half a dozen rolls per session outside of the one major combat. There could be more, but I tend to prefer to run games narratively where I can.

That said, the players loved it. At least two were in tears at the end. After it was done, I went over the things they didn't know - the truth of Norris's promotion, the future of Avery and Seldrian (good and bad), the end of the unified Regency because of their idiot granddaughter, and Avery's role in the Fourth Imperium.

I also told them that, if we go back to the 1105 setting, that that timeline is going into the Lorenverse, so not to worry about inconsistencies.
Very nice! Has anyone else run these old adventures, and would care to write them up for others to read? I'd be especially interested in the Classic Traveller Adventures and Double Adventures.