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Artemis Subsector

Independence Games

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Coming in PDF to Drive-thru RPG and the Independence Games webstore on November 5. Print version to follow shortly thereafter.

Artemis Subsector will be the third of the Earth Sector subsectors to be detailed.

Here's our first preview of Subsector Sourcebook: Artemis. This preview is from the introduction of the book.

Subsector Sourcebook: Artemis will be available in PDF at Drive-thru RPG and the Independence Games webstore on November 5. It will be in print shortly thereafter.

Artemis Subsector, Subsector H of Earth Sector, is a mixture of the civilized core and the trailing frontier. Named for the Greek goddess of the wilderness, most of the worlds are true to the name and have vast wilderness areas still ready to be tamed.

Artemis Subsector is home to colonies founded by Germany, the United States, China, the Pan-Islamic Caliphate, the Southern Alliance, the Republic of Texas, and Indonesia. Among others, Artemis is home to the Southern Alliance waterworld of Fairplay, the cold dry Caliphate world of Yakhib, the desolate Chinese world of Zhanshi, and the red-leaved forest of the Texan world Crippen.

Filled with system maps, world maps, and physical data for each world, this book is a treasure trove of information for Referees who want to take their Earth Sector adventures further afield or for those who simply want a variety of worlds for their uses. Government, legal, cultural, and population details will assist the Referee in painting a picture of each world for their players.

Come to Artemis Subsector and join the adventure!

Received some excellent news today. It seems that the print version and the PDF version will be released on the same day.

So you will be able to get the PDF at our webstore and the PDF or the print version at Drive-thru RPG on November 5.