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Artificial: Robots in Clement Sector

An example robot from Artificial: Robots in Clement Sector which will be available from Gypsy Knights Games on December 14.

Artificial will contain a robot design system, rules for playing a robot character, and much more.

Robot design by Michael Johnson. Art by Bradley Warnes.

Cascadia Colonization Authority SB-11 Support Robot

Designed to assist CCA crews on long range exploration missions. With its wide task software range, the SB-11 is a useful crew member to ships engaged in that duty.

Cost = 132,925Cr

STR 8 DEX 11 INT 8 EDU 6 SOC 4

Hit Points 11/23

Rounded (Cylindrical) Chassis TL 10
Overall Weight = 64.35kg
Armor = Mesh
Head = All sensors, Vocoder & Comms and OLED

Batteries with charge port (60-minute recharge)
Duration = 21 hours

Arms = Standard (small) 2x with grippers
Locomotion = Anti-Grav Node TL 10 (200kph)

Low Autonomous Core, Full Command
Core/6 Module 6x
Synaptic Storage TL 10 2x (6)
Advanced Storage 20x (40)
Emotion Emulator
Personality Pattern type 3

Flyer (Grav)/1


Advanced Optical 2x
Micro Optical 2x
Standard audio 2x

OLED (head)
Spotlight Small
Storage Compartment 2kg
Radio Class I (Distant 5km)
