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Arts & Culture of Charted Space


Admin Award
I have been brainstorming the various types of Traveller arts and culture found throughout charted space.

*** What are your favorite Traveller arts (painting, sculpture, ballet, opera, music, poetry, literature, limericks, etc.)? ***

I don't remember any Zero-G ballet references, but I do recall smell art from the K'kree, some oddballs from the Hivers (What else?), and at least a few others...

Not exactly zero-g ballet, but there's a reference to low G acrobatic dance in the Glisten System Survey in TD issue #15.

Another interesting art reference appearing in several sources are the Darrian fire sculptures.
Darrian FireSculpture is noted as being appreciated in the Imperial portions of the Marches.

That is, fire, manipulated by gravitics and fans, into display pieces...
Not exactly zero-g ballet, but there's a reference to low G acrobatic dance in the Glisten System Survey in TD issue #15.

Another interesting art reference appearing in several sources are the Darrian fire sculptures.

I forgot about that.

Thank you so much, McPerth.

Darrian FireSculpture is noted as being appreciated in the Imperial portions of the Marches.

That is, fire, manipulated by gravitics and fans, into display pieces...

Right. I guess I need to pull out my original Darrian supplement and get reading.

Thank you, Aramis.

In Survival Margin (I think), there's a reference to a Hiver delegation's Ithikar guards confusing a ballet performance for a participatory contact sport.
I recall something from an old JTAS article about Zhodani (either opera or drama) being very... difficult for non-Zhodani to comprehend. Always wanted more detail on that, would have been interesting to see more detail on Zho culture.
Whatever the Vilani do, it'd be the same as what they've almost always done, just with variations on standard themes and tropes.

From T4 Melieu 0, p49:
No general discussion of the structure of Vilani home worlds would be complete without discussion of Vilani culture at this date. The Vilani are culturally conservative. Tried and true methods of problem solving are preferred, and decision by consensus is the preferred method of tackling any difficulty. A natural distrust of technological growth gone rampant sits at the core of the Vilani being. Indeed, the Vilani tend to believe that growth or expansion of any sort needs to be carefully monitored, controlled, and thought out. While the Vilani will break out of this mold at times, when circumstances warrant it, the typical Vilani hero is a person who looks at a new problem, and comes up with a creative way to apply an old solution to solve the problem.