SOC-14 1K
I'm posting this for n oother reason than I am waiting for this useless excuse of a 3D program, Maya to delete what appear to be hundreds of thousands of redundant operation sets from it's Outliner, thus making the MB file Muuuuuch smaller and consequently remotely manageable (ie - less than 45 minute loading times)
So, I was watching Underworld last night and to my surprise, the Werewolves were almost entirely prosthetics, not - as I suspected - CGI.
What really grabbed my attention was the carbon fibre leg attachment the performers used to create the lupine leg.
Wow! Thought I, it's never been easier to do a convincing Aslan/Vargr or even maybe a Droyne for, ooooh... I dunno, say a Traveller TV series or something.
Dear god! Hurry up!
Someone! Please! Kill me!
So, I was watching Underworld last night and to my surprise, the Werewolves were almost entirely prosthetics, not - as I suspected - CGI.
What really grabbed my attention was the carbon fibre leg attachment the performers used to create the lupine leg.
Wow! Thought I, it's never been easier to do a convincing Aslan/Vargr or even maybe a Droyne for, ooooh... I dunno, say a Traveller TV series or something.
Dear god! Hurry up!
Someone! Please! Kill me!