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Aslan/Vargr/Droyne Prosthetics


SOC-14 1K
I'm posting this for n oother reason than I am waiting for this useless excuse of a 3D program, Maya to delete what appear to be hundreds of thousands of redundant operation sets from it's Outliner, thus making the MB file Muuuuuch smaller and consequently remotely manageable (ie - less than 45 minute loading times)

So, I was watching Underworld last night and to my surprise, the Werewolves were almost entirely prosthetics, not - as I suspected - CGI.

What really grabbed my attention was the carbon fibre leg attachment the performers used to create the lupine leg.

Wow! Thought I, it's never been easier to do a convincing Aslan/Vargr or even maybe a Droyne for, ooooh... I dunno, say a Traveller TV series or something.

Dear god! Hurry up!

Someone! Please! Kill me!


I have been researchng a realistic articulaed lupine face proshetic.. You would need small actors to get the scale right...

I am tempted by this hiver Costume, It is totally doable, but I may need to explain myself one day...
The wonders that can done with CGI combined with regular rubber masks these days is truly amazing. But, for a Traveller TV show, it could just begin with the premise of a diverse human universe and bring in aliens later. Afterall, this worked very well with Firefly where to best of my knowledge we did not see any aliens in the 'verse.
Yeah, but having a Vargr engineer on the crew of the ship would be pretty awesome as a regular cast member.

That would be cool,
Flynn, the strategy would be to bring in the Aliens slowly as the story unfolds. It would be very nice if there was television accompanment for Interstellar Wars as this would be perfect milieu that would not require too much CGI save starships and what a story to tell. From First Contact to triumpth walking the Capital of Vland.