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At All Cost

My (not quite) local Borders had the hardcover on sale almost two weeks ago now. I'm wondering if they released this too soon, because I haven't seen it on the shelves at any other bookstores around town.

I've read it, but I'm just going to keep this post entirely spoiler-free and simply say it blew me away. The only downside for me were many references (like a whole chapter) to the events related in "Crown of Slaves", which I haven't yet read. There were also references to the events in "Shadow of Saganami", which I have read, so no problem there.

My point is, "At All Costs" might contain some spoilers if you haven't read "Crown" or "Shadows" yet. Luckily, the hardcover has a free CD library with a virtual shelf-load of David Weber, including both of those titles, along with a couple dozen others. So the hardcover edition is worth waiting for if it hasn't arrived at your local bookstore yet.

thanx heaps,

I was not so impressed with the new HH book. While it had more space battles than you could shake a stick at, it left things basically unchanged except for a whole lot of dead people and vaporized starships.
I haven't read more than the first few chapters yet, but needing another chapter to feel like the story has wrapped things up seems very common in David Weber's books (especially the HH series).

The HH series does seem to move slowly from book to book.
I too, was surprised at the rather abrupt ending. Then I thought, what the hey, it'll all get dealt with in the next book. I just hope the next one doesn't take so *&^%$#@! to come out.

I would beg to differ with The Oz on one point, though. Weber establishes a whole new direction for the series in this book, which he has hinted at before, but now seems to be developing into a major plot-line. Manticore and Haven, though, are both too busy slaughtering each other to notice it, so in that respect things are "basically unchanged". But overall, there are some big changes going on in the "Honorverse", and the situation is getting larger and more complicated than either side suspects.

I got it, read it, and am vaguely dis-satisfied with it. The whole subplot of Mesa vs the universe, and being the puppet masters pulling the strings of the Haven-Manticore war via selective assasinations is a little stretch for me. Also the nano-induced assassins are a bit much, in that more people would be able to detect them based on the techonology that seems to be present in the Honorverse. After all Honors mother Allison developed a nanite to correct the Grayson genetic issues. So screening for Nanites should be more common.

I hope the next book is better.
I just finished this I have to say the parts I enjoy the most are the those about the Peeps as long as they are not fighting Honor.

They show a lot of resorcefulness and I find it hard to believe they would not come up with a missle upgrade in the same amount of time the Alliance does.

Also Admiral Chin should have been expecting Honor and the 8th and jumped immediately not ponder what was ging on. The Peeps know she has Apollo missles and what they can do. Chin should jumped immediately after detecting the launch.