A depiction of Aurore IMTU:

- Aurore has a 9.14 hour orbit around Tithonus, which is a 55 jupiter-mass brown dwarf. Effective thermal insolation from Tithonus is about 1300 W m-2 and 345 W m-2 from Muphrid.
- Most of the light comes from Muphrid. Midday when it is directly overhead it provides about 20,000 lux, while Tithonus provides around 70 lux (mostly in red). Humans have a natural advantage during night operations compared to the Kafer, as human vision extends into the red that Tithonus primarily emits in, while Kafer cannot see this range.
- There are no prograde orbits stable around Aurore. Retrograde orbits are only stable for a short time, and only at specific distances from Aurore. The objects either crash into Aurore or are pulled into independent Tithonus-centric orbits.
- as can be seen in the image, glacial coverage on my version of Aurore is much more substantial than in either the sourcebook or the atlas of the french arm. This comes from computing average yearly insolation for each point, but neglecting thermal convective transport on the surface (that's later).
- "Satellite" communication comes from constellations that are places at the Tithonus-Aurore L4 and L5 points, which are stable long term. The cold pole (and within 30º of the cold pole) cannot see these points in the sky, though. Nova Kiev communicates to the L5 satellite and Tanstaafl communicates to L4. Communications between Nova Kiev and Tanstaafl have to go Nova Kiev-L5-L4-Tanstaafl. Communications are via near-optical laser and can be disrupted by cloudcover. There are no global lines aside from that.
- The star field in the image is accurate as viewed from near-eta bootis space, as recorded in the NSL. For the volume of space outside of the NSL, the data is supplemented with Gaia DR2 and the bright constellation stars list. In this image, the bright star to the center left of the image near the top is Vega.