Okay, this might be a stupid idea, but would a "bait starship" work on hijackers, or are they too sophisticated for something that obvious?
There's probably a list of every starship in the sector, or several, compiled and perhaps shared various groups and organizations, the criminals for easy marks, and intelligence services.
Which leaves the question open of just how "unalterable" is the transponder? If you do T5 skill levels, then someone with electronics 4 or 5, or even possibly computer 4 or 5, could hack the thing. Which leaves another question about criminals; rules wise, what skill level divides the law abiding citizen from the potential criminal?
would a "bait starship" work on hijackers
Hacking a transponder isn't the only way ... you can simply change it out for another, or for a transponder-like device that allows you to change the signal at will (difficult to track down on the open market, though). You could equip a ship with multiple transponders, and turn all but one of them off at any given time.
So the requisite skills are those that could be found at any starport capable of minor repairs to starships. These skills ought to be fairly widespread. I don't think it's electronics-5 unless you need to build a transponder, or hack one.
Now, IMTU, tampering with a transponder is an offence under the Imperial Navigation Act, and the courts have held that tampering is prima facie evidence of piracy, so it comes with the death penalty ... like just about everything else under Imperial law....
Now, IMTU, tampering with a transponder is an offence under the Imperial Navigation Act, and the courts have held that tampering is prima facie evidence of piracy, so it comes with the death penalty ... like just about everything else under Imperial law....
I could see a properly staged one nabbing some top tiered criminals who think they've scoped out a ship enough to try and nab it.