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BeastMaker: Avoug of Okh Gvagh


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
NOTE This is the end-product of the design process. A walk-thru is planned, but not yet!

Okh Gvagh (0734 Tuglikki)

World        : C896755-4 (Tuglikki/0734-main) 
Primary      : G2 V (1 sols)
Zones (AU)   : Inner   Habitable   Middle    Snowline    Outer Edge
               0.01+   1.00+       1.42+     2.24   to    32.50

Orbit        : 1.2 AU
Zone         : Habitable, 480.13 days per year, 26.4 hours per day.
Eccentricity : 0
Axial Tilt   : 36
Satellites   : None

Type         : Rocky 
Density/Mass : 1/1 earths  
Gravity      : 1 G
Atmosphere   : Oxygen Microorganisms, 1.21 bar

Continents   : Impacted Continents with uplift pattern A.
               No covered poles, but also no equatorial blocking of currents
Albedo       : 0.25
Greenhouse   : 1.1
Temperature  : 15 C (288 K)
Hadley Cell  : 41 degrees

Okh Gvagh is an agricultural world in the Tuglikki sector. A significant axial tilt combined with a strong Hadley Cell results in stormy weather and relatively mild temperatures at the upper latitudes; the poles have very little ice cover. Symbiosis between microorganisms in the atmosphere, flora, and fauna result in unique seasonings and spices that are in high demand in vargr space, human space, and aslan space.

The Avoug

 Type Sz  Len Loc Spd STR END Weapon A__ F__ Sym       Struc    Kg AV E Tast
Eater  5  1.5 Wlk  1   80  6   Peds  A8  F5  T HBS-T-LL-LN-M  78.8  5    Bad

The Avoug is an omnivore eater native to Okh Gvagh, and a typical foe faced by gladiators in the Grand Ounaerzghovag Arena. About the size of an average human, the Avoug has a leathery hide, a body made to take punishment, and a foul odor. Field reports advise against trying to eat these animals. Its front two trios of legs are articulated and built for climbing, while its rear trio of legs are thick and strong. Its muscled tail is strong enough to strangle a human. Three Avoug are placed in the arena for each gladiator.

BeastMaker Walk-thru

Yet To Come.
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