Are there any rules for genetic modification of stats or new biotech equipment? I have GURPS BioTech. I wonder if it would be easy to use some of the material from that book.
2300AD Earth-Cybertech Source Book might have some info you can use. Book number is 1015 and it is available on the 2300AD CD on the far future enterprises site..
My favourite topic - biotec in T2300. or put another way, the bit they totally missed out cos they were too busy with the kafers.
In the original T2300 it looked like there were going to be 3 main metaplot threads - the kafer war, the provolutionists, and another one (I'll check and edit).
Sadly they never bothered much with the provolutionists beyond a terrorist threat intro adventure.
IMT2.3kU the fight against the provolutionists was a major plot point - and they employed biotech and genetic modification much more than cybertec.
I had to make a lot of stuff up then.
I would now use GURPS Transhuman Space and GURPS Biotec for inspiration.
(Also read the Peter Hamilton book Fallen Dragon for the stuff about the colony world where the human colonists biomoded themselves rather than teraform the colony planet
(Also read the Peter Hamilton book Fallen Dragon for the stuff about the colony world where the human colonists biomoded themselves rather than teraform the colony planet
It's always annoying to read a spoiler, but I don't think it's customary to put spoiler warnings on nine year old works. YMMV, but as for me, I usually only worry about stuff that hasn't yet been out in paperback for at least a year.
In the original T2300 it looked like there were going to be 3 main metaplot threads - the kafer war, the provolutionists, and another one (I'll check and edit).
Are there any rules for genetic modification of stats or new biotech equipment? I have GURPS BioTech. I wonder if it would be easy to use some of the material from that book.
You could try using Eclipse Phase too. You can even get it for free legally since it has an open something or other. Came out last year, won 3 Eenie awards.