okay so pardon my non-mathematical brain! if i have a 100 ton ship hull 6 flattened sphere i would be looking at single deck 16x16 circle, or a dual deck 8x8 circle?
sorry maths isn't my strong point!!!
and do we accept some artistic license for angle between decks, or angles from taper point to taper base?
Area of a Circle is A = Pi x r^2
You want 200 squares (each ton is two squares)
So: (200/Pi)^1/2 (square root of 200 divided by Pi) = 8 ish squares (12 meters) is the Radius. So your Diameter is 16 Squares (24 meters), for a single level hull.
Easiest to do is draw the circle, fill in all the spaces in the middle, perhaps with the engines reaching the "back" edge, and some accesses reaching a "side" edge or two, with the bridge maybe reaching just short of the "front" edge. Everything left is Fuel.
You can do the same if you choose the two level hull; However, because Pi is a factor your radius is actually 5.64 squares for a diameter of 11.28 squares (17 meters) (..it's simply just half the larger diameter).
Alternately you could reduce the diameter of the circle by a square or two and then give the hull a little more height or thickness, which would also be considered fuel space.
If you are brave you could then calculate the lost volume of the 16 diameter hull vs say a 15 diameter hull and use that volume to calculate the volume of the "dish" of fuel that would exist on the top and bottom of the flattened sphere, but that's a lot of work that doesn't really add anything to your design. There are Computer programs of course that make that a lot less laborious.
We absolutely allow for Artistic license in illustration within reason; since the Fuel Spaces are rather fungible, that's where the fudging should be though. The interior spaces can and should be depicted relatively accurately.