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Black Globes in T5


Peer of the Realm
So it looks like the standard black globe is TL16 and MCr10 (Book 2, pp. 85, 182-184, 232).

I am struggling to understand the prototype black globe detailed on pg. 184, which is listed as TL12 and MCr50.99. Isn't a "prototype" a -2 modification based on the Tech Level Stage Effects table on page 85, or TL14? Even a experimental unit (-3 stage effect) would be TL13.

Same question on the "Standard Black Globe-14" installed in a Kinunir on pp. 48-49 for MCr11, "Representing the edge of available defense technology." What?
That makes sense -- so a reduction in range reduces TL, and you can stack that with stage effect? I guess I assumed a reduced tech stage would reduce range along with increasing bulk and risk.
Not quite getting a range that is so big. Can that black globe fit other ships in that bubble?
No discussed by the rules, but I don't see any reason why not nor any outright ban.

You can turn off someone else's black globe by turning on your own overlapping globe, see Globes Within Globes, B2 p183.
Doesn't Black Globes at TL 12 sort of NERF a lot of previous Traveller-verse canon. That seems like a pretty big deal in Military Starship Design ... Vargr have Black Globes! At TL 13, they are not even "Prototypes" any more, they are "Early" and TL 14 they are "Basic".

A TL 14 world can be protected from attack by a planet-covering Prototype Black Globe.
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Doesn't Black Globes at TL 12 sort of NERF a lot of previous Traveller-verse canon. That seems like a pretty big deal in Military Starship Design ...
As with jump drives, just because prototypes can be manufactured at TL-12 doesn't mean your civilisation of choice have discovered the technology.

By canon the Imperium only learned about Black Globes from Ancient artefacts, later reverse engineered. In 1105 they were scarce, in 1200 they might be commonplace, even manufactured at TL-12.
That makes sense -- so a reduction in range reduces TL, and you can stack that with stage effect? I guess I assumed a reduced tech stage would reduce range along with increasing bulk and risk.
Doesn't Black Globes at TL 12 sort of NERF a lot of previous Traveller-verse canon. That seems like a pretty big deal in Military Starship Design ... Vargr have Black Globes! At TL 13, they are not even "Prototypes" any more, they are "Early" and TL 14 they are "Basic".

  • Note that the RANGE-REDUCTION [ TL -2 / R=5 / (Tons/3) ] applies to the MOUNT (Bolt-In / Mod +3).
  • The STAGE EFFECT applies to the DEFENSIVE SYSTEM (Black Globe) - (Prototype TL -2 / Mod -2).

Is the TL12 in the example an erratum? Should it be TL14?

A TL 14 world can be protected from attack by a planet-covering Prototype Black Globe.
The Black Globe description text says R=7 is the maximum size