Could you coat your starship with this stuff to not show up on sensors? 
Arthur C. Clarke's description of the surface of the Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey was pretty similar. I think they should go redo the special effects for 2001 with this stuff.

Black may not be, it turns out, the darkest shade — at least not black as we know it. British tech company Surrey Nanosystems says it's developed the world's blackest material: made of carbon nanotubes, it can absorb 99.96 percent of light that hits it. Its developers say that to the human eye, the material — called Vantablack — completely erases any features on a surface, becoming simply a void.
Arthur C. Clarke's description of the surface of the Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey was pretty similar. I think they should go redo the special effects for 2001 with this stuff.