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Book 3 page 30 Self-Propelled Auto Cannon Sample Vehicle


SOC-14 1K

I'm using the Book 3 page 30 Self-Propelled Auto Cannon Sample Vehicle to test Design Sequence 3 on pages 16 and 17.

I seem to be coming up with a different Autofire Bonus for the Self-Propelled Auto Cannon sample vehicle's effective and long ranges. The listed Autofire Bonus for effective range is +6 and long rang is +5.

Per Design Sequence 3 Auto Cannons F Autofire Hit Bonus page 17 :

Autofire Hit bonus is determined by ROF
ROF is the number of rounds fired in a complete turn
The number of rounds fired in a phase, half a complete turn, is ROF / 2
Using the phase value consult the Autofire Bonus table to determine the autofire bonus at effective, long, and extreme ranges.

The self-propelled auto cannon, per page 30, has a ROF of 340.
The Phase ROF is 340 / 2 = 170

Consulting the Autofire Bonus table on DST page 10 the phase ROF of 170 falls between the Rounds column values of 160 and 320. To the right of the table the instructions state: "Rounds: Rounds per phase, if the number of rounds fired by a weapon falls between two values, use the lower of the two."

The Autofire Bonus will use the values listed for 160 rounds returning the values of effective = +5, long = +4, and extreme = +2.

Did I follow the directions for determining the auto cannon's autofire bonus correctly?
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I get different numbers, but yes, I think you're doing it correctly.

Remember, I'm way out of practice and CPR guns are NOT my favourite Striker Des Seq. Let's see what Carlobrand says...

I get TL9, 8cm, 3 barrel, electric, low vel autocannon to have a ROF of 13*3*75/8 = 365, as per the example on p17.
Per phase is half that, or 182, which rounds down to 160.

I don't know where they get 340 from, unless it's the final statement of para E p17 - to conserve ammunition (but if so, why not make it 320 - the lowest value to maintain the bonus?) But even if it IS 340, they've still got the bonus wrong, IMO.

Playtester error, I'd guess.
Morning Icosahedron,

I get different numbers, but yes, I think you're doing it correctly.

My calculations also got a different number which I'm planning on submitting as possible errata similar to the one I've already done for design sequence 2. I used the data as presented in the example on page 30.

Remember, I'm way out of practice and CPR guns are NOT my favorite Striker Des Seq. Let's see what Carlobrand says...

I get TL9, 8cm, 3 barrel, electric, low vel autocannon to have a ROF of 13*3*75/8 = 365, as per the example on p17.
Per phase is half that, or 182, which rounds down to 160.

Hooray:rofl:, I got the same numbers another indication I'm getting the hang of the system

I don't know where they get 340 from, unless it's the final statement of para E p17 - to conserve ammunition (but if so, why not make it 320 - the lowest value to maintain the bonus?) But even if it IS 340, they've still got the bonus wrong, IMO.

To get the values listed on page 30 using the phase ROF the full ROF would have to be between 680 and 1,280.

Yes, the effective and long range bonuses are still not the right values according to the directions.

Playtester error, I'd guess.

I'm going to be honest and say that when I originally worked through the Autofire Hit Bonus I missed the "phase value of ROF / 2" and used the ROF value which would have given the autofire bonuses of effective = +6, long = + 5, and extreme = +2.

If the tester had a copy of the rules that didn't mention or overlooked "phase" then using the full ROF gives the values listed on page 30.

Thanks for confirming I appear to have followed directions and that my Autofire Bonus values

I'm using the Book 3 page 30 Self-Propelled Auto Cannon Sample Vehicle to test Design Sequence 3 on pages 16 and 17.

I seem to be coming up with a different Autofire Bonus for the Self-Propelled Auto Cannon sample vehicle's effective and long ranges. The listed Autofire Bonus for effective range is +6 and long rang is +5.

Per Design Sequence 3 Auto Cannons F Autofire Hit Bonus page 17 :

Autofire Hit bonus is determined by ROF
ROF is the number of rounds fired in a complete turn
The number of rounds fired in a phase, half a complete turn, is ROF / 2
Using the phase value consult the Autofire Bonus table to determine the autofire bonus at effective, long, and extreme ranges.

The self-propelled auto cannon, per page 30, has a ROF of 340.
The Phase ROF is 340 / 2 = 170

Consulting the Autofire Bonus table on DST page 10 the phase ROF of 170 falls between the Rounds column values of 160 and 320. To the right of the table the instructions state: "Rounds: Rounds per phase, if the number of rounds fired by a weapon falls between two values, use the lower of the two."

The Autofire Bonus will use the values listed for 160 rounds returning the values of effective = +5, long = +4, and extreme = +2.

Did I follow the directions for determining the auto cannon's autofire bonus correctly?

TL 9 8cm howitzer autocannon, hmm? Base ROF 9, count up 1 for each tech level above 5, so 13. Multiply by barrels, multiply by action, which is electric, divide by bore size, round down: 13 x 3 x 75 = 2925, divide by 8 = 365.25. Rate of fire is 365 rounds per turn (30 seconds). Rounds per phase is half that, so 182. "If the number of rounds by a weapon falls between two values, use the lower of the two," so 160.

Then over on Page 30 we see a TL 9 8 cm autocannon, 3 barrels, electric action ... claiming a rate of fire of 340, looks like they mistakenly used a base ROF of 12 instead of 13. And, they're using the 320 row for bonuses, so very clearly not dividing that (wrong) ROF by two.

Am I reading the HE burst stats right? 15/2/3? Where is there a 15/2/3 on the charts?

Then we check out Consolidated CT Errata 07 and find - no mention of it.

I'd say we're all unanimous on this being undeclared errata.
Hello again Carlobrand,

TL 9 8cm howitzer autocannon, hmm? Base ROF 9, count up 1 for each tech level above 5, so 13. Multiply by barrels, multiply by action, which is electric, divide by bore size, round down: 13 x 3 x 75 = 2925, divide by 8 = 365.25. Rate of fire is 365 rounds per turn (30 seconds). Rounds per phase is half that, so 182. "If the number of rounds by a weapon falls between two values, use the lower of the two," so 160.

Then over on Page 30 we see a TL 9 8 cm autocannon, 3 barrels, electric action ... claiming a rate of fire of 340, looks like they mistakenly used a base ROF of 12 instead of 13. And, they're using the 320 row for bonuses, so very clearly not dividing that (wrong) ROF by two.

I now have a second check of my work and do appear to be following the instructions, Yippee:D.

Working back wards from the ROF of 340 in the example on page 30 supports that a ROF of 12 was used, another yippee for me.

When I posted this topic I hadn't worked through Step G Number of Targets which also used the Autofire Bonus Table. The difference is that Step G uses the full ROF to determine the number of targets.

I'm guessing that the play tester/designer for the auto cannon on page 30 used the full ROF to determine the Autofire bonus. I've got to admit that until this work through I missed the autofire requirement to divide ROF by two.

Am I reading the HE burst stats right? 15/2/3? Where is there a 15/2/3 on the charts?

Then we check out Consolidated CT Errata 07 and find - no mention of it.

I'd say we're all unanimous on this being undeclared errata.

Yes, you read the HE stats right and is one of the possible errata items on my list. So far I'm suggesting changes to the ROF, Autofire, Ammunition prices (none of them match the instruction on calculating price), and HE stats.

I'm not getting the same CBM round hit DM as listed on page 30 and is the next topic I'll be posting.

Thanks for the review Carlobrand and making my a happy camper:)