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CT Only: Book 5 into Book 2 again...


SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
Pondering how to implement Book 5 weapons in Book 2 again.

Damage is equal to the amount of EP the battery needs to fire.
Use the LBB5 black globe calculations for EP input, translate each EP into 10 tons of damage, use a hull point system for hull hits for effect (reduction of streamlining, later hits for fuel/power/life support lines, reduced G accel and ultimate breakup of ship), use a hit table very like CT that includes surface, rad hits and interior damage ranges per ship type, split damage in half so two hits.

Oh and range reduces battery strength/to hit and armor is either/or penetration. High enough armor, it bounces off no damage. And armor multipliers for ACS/small craft so you don’t have armor 12 fighters.
Are we suggesting a 30-gun laser battery applies 30 hits? Seems excessive. I'd always presumed Book 5's improved to-hit roll evolved from bracketing the target to increase the likelihood of a hit, which would result in some of those lasers missing even if the battery hit.

An interesting thing is that some Book 2 damage results don't occur in Book 5. Book 2 for example allows the possibility of damage to the computer, jump drives, or power plant, which would not occur in Book 5 due to the +6 modifier to non-spinal weapons. Makes borrowing the Book 5 radiation or interior table tricky.
Consider a 1000 tons of lasers is 30....
I'm not sure if I understood that. Do you mean a thousand Td craft can carry 30 lasers? If you're carrying that as 30 batteries, that's 30 to-hit rolls by 10 gunners, each with its own normal damage roll if it hits but a high enough defensive DM can cause most or all to miss. If you group them under 1 battery of 30 guns and 1 gunner as they might do in Book 5, you've got a different situation: one roll at +4 but you only get the one roll, though you only need the one gunner. Are you carrying that over, or are you not using batteries that way?
Are we suggesting a 30-gun laser battery applies 30 hits? Seems excessive. I'd always presumed Book 5's improved to-hit roll evolved from bracketing the target to increase the likelihood of a hit, which would result in some of those lasers missing even if the battery hit.

An interesting thing is that some Book 2 damage results don't occur in Book 5. Book 2 for example allows the possibility of damage to the computer, jump drives, or power plant, which would not occur in Book 5 due to the +6 modifier to non-spinal weapons. Makes borrowing the Book 5 radiation or interior table tricky.
Solved that more or less.

Here is how mine works

1 Turret/Bay/Spinal (in order)
2 Maneuver
3 Fuel
4 Spinal/Bay/Turret (in order)
5 Hull
6 Fuel
7 Hull
8 Screens/Computer (size then original/addon computers)
9 Cargo/Staterooms/Bridge/Facilities/Vehicle Bays (in order of largest size)
10 Jump
11 Power Plant
12 Critical (like LBB5 table but disabled not destroyed)

Surface roll 1d6
Radiation roll 1d6 + 3
Spinal/Nuclear roll 2d6
Interior roll 1d6+6

Missiles/energy weapons/bay PA/bay railguns roll first hit surface/second spinal.

Spinal PA/spinal railgun/nuclear missiles both hits roll spinal.

All meson weapons roll first hit internal second spinal.

As noted damage is 10x EP=tons calc for black globe, with drop in battery strength of 1 per 100000 km and increase of 1 per 10000 km closer than 100000km. Missile battery strength goes up 1 per 5G combined closing rate but not to hit.

Suicide range is 1-90000 km, short range is 90001-250000 km, long range is 250001-900000 km, extreme range is 900001-1500000 km (my sensor rules).

Hit cannot penetrate if battery strength is equal or lower to armor value. ACS and small craft have multiples of armor value.

Damage is divided by 2, and rolled for each. If the system destroyed is less then half, the remaining points are applied to the second roll, and that is exceeded the remaining damage tons are ignored.

Railguns/MD are by PA with two surface hits. Radiation weapons get an extra hit, same tonnage as main calc rolled against radiation roll, first hit same hit just radiation type damage.

Computer hit is as LBB2 for original built in computers, LBB5 for add ons in computer rooms. Ignore tonnage, roll again.

Damage is further rolled by percentage for chance of system 50% shut down, next fail 10%, final roll inoperative. 100% damage is destroyed.

Ship hull points are equal to tonnage with some extra for hardpoints not designed in. Hits reduce streamlining, then at greater damage limit accel and start accumulation of critical hits at 80%+.

Hull and Fuel are special damage when radiation hits. Hull damage is as normal (neutron embrittlement), fuel is not destroyed but becomes unrefined.
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I'm not sure if I understood that. Do you mean a thousand Td craft can carry 30 lasers? If you're carrying that as 30 batteries, that's 30 to-hit rolls by 10 gunners, each with its own normal damage roll if it hits but a high enough defensive DM can cause most or all to miss. If you group them under 1 battery of 30 guns and 1 gunner as they might do in Book 5, you've got a different situation: one roll at +4 but you only get the one roll, though you only need the one gunner. Are you carrying that over, or are you not using batteries that way?
He’s talking 30 lasers in LBB5 constitutes a 30 laser/10 turret battery which uses 10 hard points so all the weapons possible in 1000 dton of hull.