The player's hook:
Your father was a scientist, once. He raised you, taught you a love of the sublime mysteries of the universe. With his wealth and power, he gave you everything you could want - whole worlds, even. And like him, you became a scientist. Together, you did wonderful things, things you thought would never be forgotten.
But you and your siblings and your children gradually became aware that he was changing. His studies in psionics had led him to enhance his brain, and he cast away both personality and conscience as frivolities a scientist could not afford. Once he wanted students; now he wanted slaves. When your ideas conflicted with his, he had no time to listen, only more demands for your data and your servitude.
Some of your siblings resisted. Resistance was tantamount to rebellion, so they were killed. And when that happened, you fought.
And you lost. Almost two hundred children and grandchildren were killed, and trillions of intelligent beings with them. The only reason you are alive is because the war was so destructive and so chaotic that you could fake your death convincingly.
Only very recently - past thousand years or so - have you learned that some of your other siblings may have survived by similar means. One fled for the galactic core, and only recently returned; another found a small star and hid herself inside. But Grandfather still has his agents in the worlds colonized by his former chattels. He is gradually becoming aware of the possibility of your existence.
You are the second most powerful being in the galaxy. The first is coming to kill you.
Your father was a scientist, once. He raised you, taught you a love of the sublime mysteries of the universe. With his wealth and power, he gave you everything you could want - whole worlds, even. And like him, you became a scientist. Together, you did wonderful things, things you thought would never be forgotten.
But you and your siblings and your children gradually became aware that he was changing. His studies in psionics had led him to enhance his brain, and he cast away both personality and conscience as frivolities a scientist could not afford. Once he wanted students; now he wanted slaves. When your ideas conflicted with his, he had no time to listen, only more demands for your data and your servitude.
Some of your siblings resisted. Resistance was tantamount to rebellion, so they were killed. And when that happened, you fought.
And you lost. Almost two hundred children and grandchildren were killed, and trillions of intelligent beings with them. The only reason you are alive is because the war was so destructive and so chaotic that you could fake your death convincingly.
Only very recently - past thousand years or so - have you learned that some of your other siblings may have survived by similar means. One fled for the galactic core, and only recently returned; another found a small star and hid herself inside. But Grandfather still has his agents in the worlds colonized by his former chattels. He is gradually becoming aware of the possibility of your existence.
You are the second most powerful being in the galaxy. The first is coming to kill you.
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