I recently saw season one of Mission:Impossible. The result was this little campaign outline. As always when I post these sort of tidbits, anyone who'd like to expand on it is welcome to do so.
The Imperium is said to rule the space between the stars, leaving the member worlds to govern themselves almost any way they want. Provided they follow a few basic rules, fulfill their treaty obligations, and leave foreign policy to the Imperium, they can be as murderous and repressive as they like.
Well, the Emperor may be able to live with that, but the duke of this duchy is not. Far too many of the governments in his duchy act in ways no honorable man can countenance.
That's why the Duke is financing Imperial Missions Force. Ostensibly it is a clandestine organization aimed at the Imperium's external foes, but most of its missions are aimed at righting egregious wrongs on member worlds. Four or five agents constitute the core group. More loosely attached are over a dozen other specialists that can be called upon to help, although policy dictates keeping the action team as small as possible, so usually only two or three extras are used.
Of course, should any of the team be killed or captured, the Duke will disawow any knowledge of them.
Enjoy.The Imperium is said to rule the space between the stars, leaving the member worlds to govern themselves almost any way they want. Provided they follow a few basic rules, fulfill their treaty obligations, and leave foreign policy to the Imperium, they can be as murderous and repressive as they like.
Well, the Emperor may be able to live with that, but the duke of this duchy is not. Far too many of the governments in his duchy act in ways no honorable man can countenance.
That's why the Duke is financing Imperial Missions Force. Ostensibly it is a clandestine organization aimed at the Imperium's external foes, but most of its missions are aimed at righting egregious wrongs on member worlds. Four or five agents constitute the core group. More loosely attached are over a dozen other specialists that can be called upon to help, although policy dictates keeping the action team as small as possible, so usually only two or three extras are used.
Of course, should any of the team be killed or captured, the Duke will disawow any knowledge of them.