here's a Q:
what exacly is the cannon about dueling in the 3rd Imp.? there is i a referance in Behind the Claw that the Sword Worlds retain a tradition of dueling. now, i would asume that individual worlds would be able to pass their own laws about dueling, as the Imperium doesn't control individual worlds, but what about the on Imperial teritory like starports? is it legal? is it legal, but only for the nobility? if so, what about military officers? is it illegal, but practiced is secret like in The Three Musketeers?
also, what about tradition and protocol surrounding the duels? might sword duels be legal, but gun duels not be? what about profesional dulists? not like MJD suggests, sport duels, but more like in Honor Harrington, where professional duelists take money and bully lesser nobility into duels as a sort of assination?
by the way, i just want cannonicial answers. i know i can just make up what ever i want where cannon is silent.
what exacly is the cannon about dueling in the 3rd Imp.? there is i a referance in Behind the Claw that the Sword Worlds retain a tradition of dueling. now, i would asume that individual worlds would be able to pass their own laws about dueling, as the Imperium doesn't control individual worlds, but what about the on Imperial teritory like starports? is it legal? is it legal, but only for the nobility? if so, what about military officers? is it illegal, but practiced is secret like in The Three Musketeers?
also, what about tradition and protocol surrounding the duels? might sword duels be legal, but gun duels not be? what about profesional dulists? not like MJD suggests, sport duels, but more like in Honor Harrington, where professional duelists take money and bully lesser nobility into duels as a sort of assination?
by the way, i just want cannonicial answers. i know i can just make up what ever i want where cannon is silent.