Actions when you fing a cardiac arrest (I assume heart ichemia, either infract or angina) in RW (TL7-8). Protocols may vary slightly:
First aid actions:
Heart still beating::
- Call for help
- Try to calm the patient (good luck on it)
- Administer any painkiller if you have it
- Administer nitroglicerin pills if you have them1
Note 1: As many people has heart problems, if at any place where there is people you ask if someone has nitroglicerin, I bet there's a fair chance someone has, but that's my guess, never tried
At a hospital:
- Administer nitroglicerin
- Start an IV (if the patient does not have it)
- Administer morphine (not only is painkiller and tranquilizer, but also reduces oxygen needs)
- Administer clot preventing/disolving drugs
- Perform a coronary catheterism to remove the clot/widen the arteries
In any case, if heart stops:
- Try Basic/advanced Vital Support (formerly called CPR) maneuvers
- Use an automatic defibrilator if you have it.
Translation to game (my take, YMMV):
Outside medical facilities:
If the heart still beats, little to do aside from calling for help and, if you have a medikit, I'd asume it has painkillers and nitroglicerin. Many skills can help (e.g. leader/psycology/persuasión or like may help to calm the patient, giving you modifiers for latter tasks, etc...). Main task to survive it would be depending on patient's End, modified by drug availability. If the task is failed, heart stops.
If heart stops, another task, this time modified by medical/first aid skill to keep him/her alive. If so, recovery time in weeks and sequels quite probable (loss of End, Str or both).
Medical facilities available:
Depending on the quality/TL of the facilities the task dificulty level could vary. In any case, main modifiers here would be medical skill and patient's end. Also first a task to avoid heart stopping and, if fails, another to keep him/her alive.
Recovery in days and reduced probablity of sequels.
In any case, sequels could be recoverable at higher TLs if the possibility to regenrate dead heart tissue (e.g. stem cells) is available. Treatment expensive and time requiring (less so as TL increases).
Hope that helps.