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contacted by the Terrans during the Second Imperium
Well, that might explain why their name is presented without the Galanglic "i" on the end, though I'm sure some would refer to them as Cassildani.
Actually, try this wiki page: http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Talk:Cassilldan

There's some non-canonical info in Traveller Chronicle 11, but T5 has several tidbits. I think they are name-checked in Agent of the Imperium.

Otherwise, that's about it.

There are a couple of Cassildan in AOTI, but no major characters.

Checking the PDF of the Annotated Edition...

Maaruur said:
A strange line to his chin, perhaps Cassildan? No, not tall enough.

Maaruur said:
A tall Cassildan (that description is redundant, they are all tall) responded. “Yes, Agent.”

Mention on or around p45, p99, p196?

There may be an image of a Cassildan, as well.
To which edition?

The hardback I kickstarted? Or is it on one of the pdf versions? Has the drivethru version received the update?
None of the versions I can download from drivethru have footnotes. Is there a more up to date version on Amazon or somewhere else?